1. call off 取消;
He has called off the trip.
他已取消了这次行程 。
2. blast off (宇宙飞船) 发射升空;
The space shuttle had been scheduled to bl ast off at 04:38.
航天飞机已经预定于凌晨4点38分发射升空 。
3. break out (战争、战斗或疾病)爆发;
I was in a nightclub in Brixton and a fight broke out.
当时我在布里克斯顿的一家夜总会里,那里发生了一场斗殴 。
4. at the hands of 在…手中,从…那里(尤指受到不好的待遇);
Jacob Sinclair met his death at the hands of a soldier.
雅各布·辛克莱在一名士兵的手里送了命 。
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