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2014年6月英语六级听力真题 第3套(MP3+试题+答案+原文+解析)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Passage one
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16.A) It will be ventilated.
B) It will be brightly lit.
C) It will provide easy access to the disabled.
D) It will have a large space for storage.

17.A) Opposite to the library.
B) On the same floor as the labs.
C) On the first floor.
D) On the ground floor.

18.A) To make the building appear traditional.
B) To cut the construction cost to the minimum.
C) To match the style of construction on the site.
D) To embody the subcommittee’s design concepts.

Passage Two
Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19.A) Sell financial software.
B) Write financial software.
C) Conduct research on financial software.
D) Train clients to use financial software.

20.A) Rewarding.
B) Unsuccessful.
C) Tedious.
D) Important.

21.A) He provided individual support.
B) He held group discussions.
C) He gave the trainees lecture notes.
D) He offered online tutorial.

22.A) Nobody is able to solve all the problems in a couple of weeks.
B) The fault might lie in his style of presenting the information.
C) The trainees’ problems has to be dealt with one by one.
D) The employees were a bit slow to follow his instruction.

Passage Three
Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

23.A) Their teachers meet them only in class.
B) Their parents tend to overprotect them.
C) They have little close contact with adults.
D) They rarely read any books about adults.

24.A) Writers and lawyers are brought in to talk to students.
B) Real-life cases are simulated for students to learn law.
C) More Teacher and Writer Collaboratives are being set up.
D) Opportunities are created for children to become writers.

25.A) Children like to form partnerships with each other.
B) Children are often the best teachers of other children.
C) Paired Learning cultivates the spirit of cooperation.
D) Sixth-graders can teach first-graders as well as teachers.




