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2014年6月英语六级听力真题 第3套(MP3+试题+答案+原文+解析)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Question 1
W: The students have been protestingagainst the increased tuition.
M: Yeah, I heard about the protest. But Idon’t know how much good it will do.
Q: Whatdoes the man mean?

Question 2
W: Jay will turn 21 this week. Does he knowthe classes are having a surprise party for him?
M: No, he thinks we are giving a party forthe retiring dean.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

Question 3
M: Hello, this is Carl’s garage. We foundMr. White’s briefcase and wallet after he left his car here this morning.
W: He has been wondering where he couldhave left them. I’ll tell him to pick them up this afternoon. Thank you forcalling.
Q: Whatdo we learn about Mr. White from the conversation?

Question 4
W: You know, some TV channels have beenrerunning a lot of comediesfrom the 1960s’. What do you think of those oldshows?
M: Not much. But the new ones includingthose done by famous directors are not so entertaining either.
Q: Whatdoes the man mean?

Question 5
M: How much longer should I boil thesevegetables? The recipe says about 10 minutes in total. W: They look pretty doneto me. I doubt you should cook them anymore.
Q: Whatdoes the woman mean?

Question 6
W: Tom, are you going to your parents’house tonight?
M: Yes, I promise to help them figure outtheir tax returns. The tax code is really confusing to them.
Q: Whatis the man going to do for his parents?

Question 7
W: I was surprised when I heard you’dfinished your research project a whole month early.
M: How I managed to do it is still amystery to me.
Q: Whatdoes the man mean?

Question 8
W: I was hoping we could be in the samedevelopmental psychology class.
M: Me too, but by the time I went forregistration the course was closed.
Q: Whatdoes the man mean?

Now you’ll hear the two long conversations.

Conversation One
M: It’s really amazing how many colors thereare in these Thai silks.
W: These are our new designs.
M: Oh, I don’t think I’ve seen thiscombination of colors before.
W: They’re really brilliant, aren’t they?
M: Quite dazzling! May I have samples ofthe new color combinations?
W: Yes, of course. But aren’t you going toplace an order?
M: We order them regularly, you know, but Ido want our buyer who handles fabrics to see them.
W: Have you looked at the wood and stonecoverings? Did you like them?
M: Oh, they aren’t really what I’m lookingfor.
W: What do you have in mind?
M: That’s the trouble. I’ve never knowexactly until I see it. I usually have more luck when I get away from thetourist places.
W: Out in the countryside you mean.
M: Yeah, exactly. Markets in small townshave turned out best for me.
W: You’re more interested than inhandicrafts that haven’t been commercialized.
M: Yes, real folk arts, pots, dishes,basket ware — the kinds of things that people themselves use.
W: I’m sure we can arrange a trip out intothe country for you.
M: I was hoping you’d say that.
W: We can drive out of Bangkok and stop wheneveryou see something that interests you.
M: That would be wonderful! How soon couldwe leave?
W: I can’t get away tomorrow. But I think Ican get a car for the day after.
M: And would we have to come back the sameday?
W: No, I think I’ll be able to keep the carfor three or four days.
M: Wonderful! That’ll give me time for areal look around.

Questions 9 to 11 are based on theconversation you have just heard.

Question 9:What attracts the man to the Thai silks?
Question 10:What is the man looking for in Thailand?
Question 11:What do we learn about the trip the womanpromised to arrange for the man?

Conversation Two
W: Well, before we decide we’re going tolive in Enderby, we really ought to have a look at the schools; we want thechildren to have a good secondary education, so we’d better see what’savailable.
M: They gave me some information at thedistrict office and I took notes. It appears there are five secondary schoolsin Enderby: three state schools and two private.
W: I don’t know if we want private schools,do we?
M: I don’t think so, but we’ll look at themanyway. There’s Saint Mary’s, that’s a Catholic school for girls, and CarltonAbbey— that’s a very old boys’ boarding school, founded in 1672.
W: Are all the state schools coeducational?
M: Yes, it seems so.
W: I think little Keith is going to be verygood with his hands, we ought to send him to a school with good vocationaltraining—carpentry, electronics, that sort of thing.
M: In that case we are best off at EnderbyComprehensive. I gather they have excellent workshops and instructors. But itsays here that Donwell also has good facilities. Enderby High has a little, butthey are mostly academic. No vocational training at all at Carlton Abbey orSaint Mary’s.
W: What are the schools like academically? Howmany children go on to university every year?
M: Well, Enderby High is very good— andCarlton Abbey even better, 70% of their pupils go on to university. Donwellisn’t so good. Only 8%. And Enderby Comprehensive in Saint Mary’s not muchmore, about 10%.
W: Well, it seems like there is a broadselection of schools. But we have to find out more than statistics before wecan decide.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Question 12:What do they want their children to have?
Question 13:What do the speakers say about littleKeith?
Question 14:What school has the highest percentage of pupils who go on to university?
Question 15:What are the speakers going to do next?




