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英语六级巅峰阅读附详解 第6期:饮用水的保健作用

来源:可可英语 编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

1.In past decades, bottled drinking water was____________________.

A) more popular than tap water

B) believed to be too expensive

C) inconveniently provided

D) restricted to few choices

2.Now, tap water can also become exceptionally pure and healthy if_________________.

A) more fund is provided for protecting water resources

B) a right filtration system is installed in your home

C) measures are taken to guide the water suppliers

D) our environment can be free from pollution

3.Operating drinking water filters and purification systems costs______________ every year.

A) several hundred dollars

B) less than a hundred dollar

C) about two hundred dollars

D) about a hundred dollar

4.One of the disadvantages of bottled water is that the plastic bottles would___________________.

A) have to be delivered back to the suppliers

B) bring about impact on the environment

C) not be as safe as glass bottles

D) increase the production cost

5.Generally, the companies that use municipal tap water as bottled water___________.

A) sell their water at a lower price

B) purify the water before bottling

C) are severely punished by law

D) can escape punishment by law

6.The Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for supervising the quality of____________.

A) drinking water

B) bottled water

C) municipal tap water

D) underground water

7.In a study by____________, many bottled drinking water was found not to be as healthy as expected.

A) the Food and Drug Administration

B) the Environmental Protection Agency

C) the Natural Resources Defense Council

D) the National Association for Health Freedom

8.It is required that the quality of tap water by a municipal source be provided by its supplier in________________.

9.When the bottled water is claimed to come from a"community water system," it is actually_____________________.

10.If you need to know any information about the bottled water, you can either ask the bottler for it or get it from the state's__________________.





