The Circus for All
This is amazing! I'm standing in a tent next to old railroad tracks in the city of Bogota, Colombia.
All around me, I can see young people, from the ages of about seventeen to twenty-eight.
They're doing incredible things: dancing, throwing and catching fire sticks, making human pyramids, flying through the air.
One young woman is performing acrobatics on a hoop high up in the tent.
A young man is walking on a tightrope. He jumps up high in the air and then lands on the tightrope again.
For a moment, as he lands, I think he's going to fall. But no, he stays on the tightrope and smiles as the audience shouts and claps.
I'm at the Circo Para Todos -- the "Circus For All." It's a special circus school for young people who live in Colombia.
我在Circo Para Todos,也就是“全民马戏团”。这是一所专门为生活在哥伦比亚的年轻人开设的马戏学校。
They study for four years, learning circus skills such as juggling and acrobatics.
More than one hundred students have studied at the Circo Para Todos and are now working at different circuses all around the world.
已经有一百多名学生在Circo Para Todos学习过,并且现在在世界各地不同的马戏团工作。
Many of these young people used to have difficult lives.
Some of them had problems at home or left school when they were very young.
The Circo Para Todos has given them a chance to be world-class performers.
Circo Para Todos给了他们成为世界级表演者的机会。