问:在国外旅游,想请人帮忙照相。我想说:请帮我们照张相片好吗?半身就好,要照到后面的雕像。该怎么说呢?答:整个人都拍进照片是「全身照」full-body shot,至于你指定拍「半身」时,其实是指「上半身」upper b2008-06-28 编辑:echo 标签:
问:我想知道在美国用美语怎么表示打国际长途?答:请告诉我如何拨国际电话好吗?不论你要怎么打,都得先查好要拨打的「国码」country code、「地区码」area code及「电话号码」telephone number,对方才帮得上忙。若2008-06-27 编辑:echo 标签:
问:自己出国旅游,向旅馆询问可以参观旅游的处所。我想说:可以推荐一个能当天往返的地方给我吗?我这样说:Could you recommend some place where I could go and come back in a... -
问:我想知道在国外买机票时用得上的话。答:(下面是相关的句子,大家试下能否完整翻译出来)Are there any seats left on the April second flight to Beijing?四月二日到北京的班机... -
问:在人生地不熟的环境迷路了。我想说:请问警察局怎么走?我这样说:Could you show me where is the police station?正确吗? 答:一般人迷路,会直接找人问路,像你这么谨慎,要先找警察局才肯问路... -
问:假期去加拿大度假。我想说:我要怎样才能到多伦多市中心。该怎么说?答:若你目前位置不在多伦多,要问:How do I get to downtown Toronto?若你人已经在多伦多,则可以问:How can I get down... -
问:于拉斯维加斯某赌场内找不到出口,而有求于人。我想说:请问出口在哪边?我这样说:Could you direct me the way out here? 对吗?答:关于你的问题,你可以说:Could you tell me how...2008-06-22 编辑:echo 标签: 日剧
每日一讲(6.21):You blow it! 你把事情搞砸了!
You blow it! 你把事情搞砸了!A: We could have got the deal , but you blew the whole thing!A: 我们原本可以达成那笔交易的, 但是你把整个事情都搞砸了!B: W...2008-06-21 编辑:echo 标签: 日语
每日一讲(6.20):hard feelings 怨气
hard feelings 怨气A: Man, I'm really sorry about what happened last night.A: 老兄啊! 昨晚的事真是抱歉..B: It's all right...2008-06-20 编辑:echo 标签: 造句
每日一讲(6.19):Get off my back
Get off my back. 不要管我!A: Why don't you get off my back? You've been bitching at me all nightA: 你为何不让我一个人安静一... -
每日一讲(6.18):leave someone alone 不干涉;
leave someone alone 不干涉; 听其自然A: Isn't it about time Jane visited her hairdresser? Her bangs are hanging all over... -
每日一讲(6.17):stab a person in th
stab a person in the back 背后捅刀; 出卖某人A: I can't believe my best friend stabbed me in the back.A: 我不敢相信我最好的朋友竟然出卖我...