In the United States, it is quite different for old people. Most old people do not live with their children or relatives. If they have enough money, they buy houses or apartments in places where other old people live. If they are not healthy and strong enough to live alone, they live in special homes for old people. There, strangers take care of them. For many North Americans, old age is not a happy time. Most North Americans want to stay young. They try to stay thin and they act like young people as long as possible. They even try to speak the language of the young. They do not like to grow old because they will not get honor or respect or attention. Also, businesses do not want old people to work for them. So, old people usually live alone and they do not have many things to do. Old age can be a sad and lonely time for them.
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So we can see that the man who stayed home was wrong. People are different in their customs and their values. There are young people and there are old people in Korea and in North America, but it may be better to be young in North America and old in Korea.

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