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大学英语精读(第三版) 第六册:Unit2B The Case For UFOs(5)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • There is the rub.
  • [by:可可英语]
  • The closest star to the Sun is 25 trillion miles away,
  • 问题就出在这里。
  • and it would take one million years to cover that enormous distance with the fastest rockets known to man.
  • 距太阳最近的恒星远在25万亿英里之外。
  • Our science and engineering are not adequate to meet that challenge;
  • 用人类最快的火箭也要一百万年才能跨越这遥远的距离。
  • a trip to the stars is beyond our reach at the present time.
  • 我们的科学和工程技术还不足以迎接这样的挑战。
  • But in another billion years, our descendants --
  • 目前,到其他星球的航行是我们力所不能及的。
  • possessed of highly evolved minds and with a science and engineering far beyond ours --
  • 但过十亿年,我们的后代——
  • should be able to undertake an interstellar voyage.
  • 拥有高度发达的头脑和远胜于我们的科学和工程技术——
  • And what our descendants can do a billion years in the future,
  • 应该有能力进行星际旅行。
  • other races, a billion years older and more evolved than man, should be able to do today.
  • 而我们的子孙后代十亿年后方能做到的事,
  • My conclusion is that UFOs -- visitors from another star --
  • 那些比人类古老十亿年且更加进化的其他星球上的人,今天应该就能办到了。
  • are a scientifically sound concept
  • 我的结论是:不明飞行物——外星的来客——
  • because science tells us that it is reasonable to believe in the existence of forms of life older and far more intelligent than man.
  • 从科学上来讲是一个有根据的概念,
  • Has the Earth already been visited by these older, more advanced beings?
  • 因为科学告诉我们,有理由认为比人类古老、聪慧得多的其他生命形式是存在的。
  • The first chapter of the Book of Ezekiel records a remarkable incident that took place several thousand years ago.
  • 这些更古老、更先进的生物是否已经造访过地球呢?
  • After an account of what seems to be a landing and an exploration by unusual beings, apparently metallic in construction,
  • 《以西结书》第一章记录了一件发生在几千年前的异乎寻常的事件。
  • verse 24 describes their departure: "And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters ..."
  • 在描述了某种显然是金属结构的不寻常的生物的一次看上去好像是着陆与探索之后,
  • Anyone who saw a Saturn V rocket take off will remember that the thunderous roar sounded like Niagara Falls.
  • 第二十四节描述了它们的离去:“它们离去时,我听到了它们翅膀的声响,犹如大海的涛声。”

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There is the rub. The closest star to the Sun is 25 trillion miles away, and it would take one million years to cover that enormous distance with the fastest rockets known to man.Our science and engineering are not adequate to meet that challenge; a trip to the stars is beyond our reach at the present time. But in another billion years, our descendants -- possessed of highly evolved minds and with a science and engineering far beyond ours -- should be able to undertake an interstellar voyage. And what our descendants can do a billionyears in the future, other races, a billion years older and more evolved than man, should be able to do today.

My conclusion is that UFOsvisitors from another starare a scientifically sound concept because science tells us that it is reasonable to believe in the existence of forms oflife older and far more intelligent than man.
Has the Earth already been visited by these older, more advanced beings? The first chapter of the Book of Ezekiel records a remarkable incident that took place several thousand years ago. After an account of what seems to be a landing and an exploration by unusual beings, apparently metallic in construction, verse 24 describes their departure: "And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters ..." Anyone who saw a Saturn V rocket take off will remember that the thunderous roar sounded like Niagara Falls.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
concept ['kɔnsept]


n. 概念,观念

exploration [.eksplɔ:'reiʃən]


n. 探险,踏勘,探测

adequate ['ædikwit]


adj. 足够的,适当的,能胜任的

departure [di'pɑ:tʃə]


n. 离开,出发,分歧

remarkable [ri'mɑ:kəbl]


adj. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的

enormous [i'nɔ:məs]


adj. 巨大的,庞大的

incident ['insidənt]


n. 事件,事变,插曲
adj. 难免的,附带

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的

intelligent [in'telidʒənt]


adj. 聪明的,智能的

verse [və:s]


n. 诗,韵文,诗节
vi. 作诗





