There is the rub. The closest star to the Sun is 25 trillion miles away, and it would take one million years to cover that enormous distance with the fastest rockets known to man.Our science and engineering are not adequate to meet that challenge; a trip to the stars is beyond our reach at the present time. But in another billion years, our descendants -- possessed of highly evolved minds and with a science and engineering far beyond ours -- should be able to undertake an interstellar voyage. And what our descendants can do a billionyears in the future, other races, a billion years older and more evolved than man, should be able to do today.
My conclusion is that UFOs—visitors from another star—are a scientifically sound concept because science tells us that it is reasonable to believe in the existence of forms oflife older and far more intelligent than man.
Has the Earth already been visited by these older, more advanced beings? The first chapter of the Book of Ezekiel records a remarkable incident that took place several thousand years ago. After an account of what seems to be a landing and an exploration by unusual beings, apparently metallic in construction, verse 24 describes their departure: "And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters ..." Anyone who saw a Saturn V rocket take off will remember that the thunderous roar sounded like Niagara Falls.
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