Idly watching fish swimming in a pond and allowing the mind to wander can lead to some surprising results.
The Education of a Physicist
Micho Kaku
Two incidents from my childhood greatly enriched my understanding of the world and sent me on a course to become a theoretical physicist.
I remember that my parents would sometimes take me to visit the famous Japanese Tea Garden in San Francisco. One of my happiest childhood memories is of crouching next to the pond, fascinated by the brilliantly colored carp swimming slowly beneath the water lilies.
In these quiet moments, I felt free to let my imagination wander; I would ask myself sillyquestions that only a child might ask, such as how the carp in that pond would view the world around them. I thought, What a strange world theirs must be!
Living their entire lives in the shallow pond, the carp would believe that their "universe" consisted of the dark water and the lilies. Spending most of their time moving around for food on the bottom of the pond, they would be only dimly aware that an alien world could exist above the surface. The nature of my world was beyond their comprehension. I was intrigued that I could sit only a few inches from the carp, yet be separated from them by a very huge gap. The carp and I spent our lives in two distinct universes, never entering eachother's world, yet were separated by only the thinnest barrier, the water's surface.