He had already sown the seeds of his revolutionary contributions to three distinct fields of scientific inquiry: mathematics, celestial mechanics and physical optics. After his graduation fromthe University he had returned to his home at WoolsThorpe for 18 months of work which can fairly be described as the most fruitful 18 months in all the history of the creative imagination. Newton's subsequent life in science consisted to a large degree in the elaboration of the great discoveries made during those "golden" months.
As a result of the invention of a new telescope, Newton was elected, at the age of 30, as a Fellow of the Royal Society, the highest scientific honor in England.
Newton was understandably overwhelmed by his sudden public recognition. He had been loath to announce his discoveries, but within a week after his election to the Society he asked permission to communicate an account of the "philosophical discovery" which had induced him "to the making of the said telescope". With a disarming lack of false modesty, he said that in his judgment he had made "the oddest, if not the most considerable detection, which hath hitherto been made in the operations of nature".
牛顿因突然获得公认而很自然地激动不已。原先他一直不愿公布他的发现,但在他入选皇家学会后一周不到,便主动请求发表一项"哲学上的发现"。这一发现曾促成他"造出该望远镜"。他说,依他之见,"在大自然转机制方面"他作出了 "迄今为止即便不是最重大的,也可说是最奇特的发现"。他说这番话时并不故作谦虚,颇令人信服。
来源:可可英语 //m.moreplr.com/daxue/201612/467716.shtml