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现代大学英语精读(第2版)第二册:U3B What My Garden Taught Me—the Hard Way(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • What My Garden Taught Me—the Hard Way
  • [by:可可英语网]
  • Jared Garrett
  • 园艺给我的教训——历经磨难才学会
  • It was April and the last snow of the season had come and gone.
  • 贾里德·加勒特
  • The back yard of my home in central Utah was beginning to show signs of life,
  • 那是在4月,这个季节的最后一场雪来了又去。
  • with the green of grass warring with the yellow of budding dandelions.
  • 我在犹他州中心老家后院里的一切开始复苏,
  • My garden plot was looking good. Really good.
  • 青青的小草和黄色的含苞待放的蒲公英争相斗艳。
  • I had taken pains to put it to bed properly at the end of the previous season, and I had been planning this year's garden for five months!
  • 我的菜园规划得看起来好得不能再好了。
  • Five months of sketching designs and plans, layouts and trestles for beans.
  • 为了把它收拾妥当,便于今年种植,我上个季末可费了不少心思。我为今年种植这个菜园都已经准备了五个月了!
  • And now the time was fast approaching.
  • 五个月来,我不停地草拟设计方案、菜园布局和豆类蔬菜生长用的支架。
  • I turned to my wife.
  • 现在这一刻就要到来了。
  • "Hey," I said, all innocent and completely ignorant of the pain I was about to commit myself to, "why don't we plant some corn?"
  • 我转身对着我的妻子。
  • "Great idea." She prattled and closed her eyes in thought. "Is it hard to grow?"
  • 我说:“嗨,我们为什么不种些玉米呢?”但我完全不知道也没有意识到种玉米要付出多少心血。
  • I shrugged. "No way. Everybody does corn."
  • “好主意!”她信口说道,接着她闭上眼睛想了想,问:“玉米好种吗?”
  • Three weeks later I was ready.
  • 我耸耸肩说:“没问题!人人都种玉米。”
  • I had tilled the plot again, mixing in some nice manure and keeping it watered to get the worms excited.
  • 三周后一切准备就绪。
  • On a perfect, sunny Spring day, with a packet of seeds in hand,
  • 我又把地耕了一遍,并在地里施了一些好肥料,保持土壤水分充足,好让蠕虫活跃起来。
  • I dashed outside and planted four rows of corn in the southern end of the garden.
  • 在一个阳光明媚的春日,我拿了一小包种子冲到外面,
  • I splashed some water on the five by ten foot area of future cobs and then moved north up the plot to put in some beans and zucchini.
  • 我在莱园的南头种下四行玉米。

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What My Garden Taught Methe Hard Way

Jared Garrett
It was April and the last snow of the season had come and gone. The back yard of my home in central Utah was beginning to show signs of life, with the green of grass warring with the yellow of budding dandelions. My garden plot was looking good. Really good. I had taken pains to put it to bed properly at the end of the previous season, and I had been planning this year's garden for five months! Five months of sketching designs and plans, layouts and trestles for beans. And now the time was fast approaching.
I turned to my wife. "Hey," I said, all innocent and completely ignorant of the pain I was about to commit myself to, "why don't we plant some corn?"
"Great idea." She prattled and closed her eyes in thought. "Is it hard to grow?"
I shrugged. "No way. Everybody does corn."
Three weeks later I was ready. I had tilled the plot again, mixing in some nice manure and keeping it watered to get the worms excited. On a perfect, sunny Spring day, with a packet of seeds in hand, I dashed outside and planted four rows of corn in the southern end of the garden. I splashed some water on the five by ten foot area of future cobs and then moved north up the plot to put in some beans and zucchini.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
ignorant ['ignərənt]


adj. 不知道的,无知的,愚昧的

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

corn [kɔ:n]


n. 谷物,小麦,玉米
v. 形成(颗粒状),

innocent ['inəsnt]


adj. 清白的,无辜的,无害的,天真纯洁的,无知的

manure [mə'njuə]


n. 肥料 vt. 施肥

plot [plɔt]


n. 阴谋,情节,图,(小块)土地,
v. 绘





