I tried to pull my senses together. I realized that if I was to find out about this new and undreamed-of future, I must go at it systematically.
"I see," I said after a pause, "that momentous things have happened since my time. I wish you would explain to me bit by bit. First, what do you mean by saying that there is no work?"
“我懂了,”我停了停,说,“自从我那个年代到现在,已经发生了巨大的变化。我希望您能 一点一点地给我解释。首先,您说工作已经不存在了,是什么意思? ”
"Why," answered my strange acquaintance, "it died out of itself. Machinery killed it. If I remember rightly, you had a certain amount of machinery even in your time."
I nodded assent.
"But you found it did you no good. The better your machines, the harder you worked. The more things you had, the more things you wanted. You were all caught in the cogs of your own machines."
"That is quite true," I said.
"Well, then, there came the Era of the Great Conquest of Nature, the final victory of Man and Machinery."
"They did conquer it?" I asked quickly, with a thrill of the old hope in my veins again.
"Conquered it," he said, "beat it out! Things came one by one. In a hundred years it was all done. In fact, just as soon as mankind turned its energy to decreasing its needs instead of increasing its desires, the whole thing was easy. Chemical Food came first. Heavens! The simplicity of it. Agriculture went overboard. Eating and all that goes with it, domestic labor, housework—all ended. Nowadays one takes a concentrated pill every year or so, that's all.