"Prof. James Q. Wilson tells us that during the years in which heroin could be legally prescribed by doctors in Britain, the number of addicts increased forty-fold," wrote drug czar William Bennett in the Sept. 19 Wall Street Journal in a rebuttal to an open letter economist Friedman had directed to him in an earlier issue. "And after the repeal of Prohibition—an analogy favored but misunderstood by legalization advocates—consumption of alcohol soared by 350 percent."
Unfortunately, Bennett's approach also misses the boat. Drugs are a symptom of deeper ills in certain segments of our society, particularly the impoverished segments. You can call in all the troops you want and build more jails and drug boot camps, but as long as demand remains, the traffic will find ways to get through. And demand will remain as long as the social ills that feed it remain.
Bennett is right to say the nation's drug problem is too multifaceted to be destroyed with a "magic bullet." But he is wrong to limit his targets. The proverbial quick fix that legalization would seem to provide is illusory. But so is the slow fix offered by further criminalization.
3.Legalize? No. Deglamorize. Charles Krauthammer
Legalization sounds like a cheap and easy solution. It works instantly.