The technosphere, in contrast, is dominated by linear processes. Crops Jon and the animals to which they are fed are eaten by people; their waste is flushed into the sewer system, altered in composition but not in amount at a treatment plant, and the residue is dumped into rivers or the ocean as waste, which upsets the natural aquatic ecosystem. Uranium is mined, processed into nuclear fuel which, in generating power, becomes highly radioactive waste that must be carefully guarded-ineffectually thus far-from contaminating the environment for thousands of years. The energy sources that now power the technosphere are mostly fossil fuels, stores that, once depleted, will never be renewed. The end result of this linear process is air pollution and the threat of global warming. Thus, In the technosphere Contentgoods are converted, Iinearly, into waste: crops into seware uranium intoradioactive residues: fossil fuels into carbon dioxide. In the technosphere, the end of the line is always waste, an assault on the cyclical processes that sustain the ecosphere.
The third informal law of ecology is "Nature knows best." The ecosystem is consistent with itself: its numerous components are compatible with eachother and with the whole. Such a harmonious structure is the outcome of a very long period of trial and error-the 5 billion years of biological evolution. The biological sector of the ecosphere-the biosphere is composed of living things that have survived this test because of their finely tuned adaptationto the particular ecological niche that they occupy. Left to their own devices, ecosystems are conservative; the rate of evolution is very slow, and temporary changes, such as an overpopulation of rabbits, for example, are quickly readjusted by the wolves.