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E英语教程(智慧版)第三册:Unit5 Conversation2

来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Hey, Li Lei. Andrew and I have been invited to a Chinese home for dinner.
  • 嘿,李雷,有一个中国家庭邀请我和安德鲁去他们家吃晚饭。
  • We've been racking our brains trying to choose some gifts for them.
  • 我们为了给他们选礼物都已经绞尽脑汁了。
  • Can you tell us something about the cultural taboos in this aspect?
  • 你能和我们说说在这方面有什么文化禁忌吗?
  • Sure. About the gifts, what do you have in mind?
  • 当然可以。你们有什么想送的礼物?
  • Actually, we've bought some nice plates, clocks, and ...
  • 实际上,我们买了一些很好看的盘子、钟表以及……
  • Hang on, you said clocks? Uh, actually we don't give them as presents, especially to old people.
  • 等等,你说钟表?呃,事实上我们不会把它当礼物送给别人,尤其不会送给老人。
  • So what you are saying is that it's a bad idea to give clocks as presents?
  • 你说把钟表当礼物送给别人不是个好主意?
  • But why? They are ornamental clocks, really lovely ones.
  • 为什么?它们都是当做摆设的好看钟表。
  • Well, it may sound strange to you, but they have a funeral connotation in China.
  • 嗯,对你来说可能很奇怪,但它们在中国有丧葬的隐含意义。
  • As for the plates, you'd better give an even number of them.
  • 送盘子的话,你最好给偶数个。
  • You mean that it is better if we give six of them as gifts rather than five?
  • 你是说,我们送6个盘子当礼物比送5个要好?
  • Yeah, even numbers are regarded as lucky in Chinese culture, except for the number four.
  • 对,在中国文化里,偶数被视为是幸运的,除了数字4。
  • I see. Thanks for your advice; otherwise we might have made some stupid mistakes.
  • 我知道了,谢谢你的建议,要不然我们就会犯一些愚蠢的错误。
  • You're welcome!
  • 不客气!

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Alice: Hey, Li Lei. Andrew and I have been invited to a Chinese home for dinner. We've been racking our brains trying to choose some gifts for them. Can you tell us something about the cultural taboos in this aspect?

Li Lei: Sure. About the gifts, what do you have in mind?
Alice: Actually, we've bought some nice plates, clocks, and ...
Li Lei: Hang on, you said clocks? Uh, actually we don't give them as presents, especially to old people.
Alice: So what you are saying is that it's a bad idea to give clocks as presents? But why? They are ornamental clocks, really lovely ones.
Li Lei: Well, it may sound strange to you, but they have a funeral connotation in China. As for the plates, you'd better give an even number of them.
Alice: You mean that it is better if we give six of them as gifts rather than five?
Li Lei: Yeah, even numbers are regarded as lucky in Chinese culture, except for the number four.
Alice: I see. Thanks for your advice; otherwise we might have made some stupid mistakes.
Li Lei: You're welcome!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

ornamental [.ɔ:nə'mentl]


adj. 装饰的 n. 装饰品





