1. Fortunately, at that time I all painstakingly regarded my life to experience, to Olympic Games most high collar award platform's pass. 还好,当时我把所有的苦都当成我人生必须经历的,一个通向奥运会最高领奖台的通行证。
2. Introduced : a good-looking game room, the windows are greatly son, the soft beds, sofas lovely, it is up to you now. painstakingly layout with it. 游戏介绍:好漂亮的一个房间,有大大的玻璃窗子、松软的床、可爱的沙发,它现在是你的了,来精心布置一下吧。
3. Anyone who wants to traverse the chamber has to crawl through a tight passage, lighted by a string of dim electric light bulbs, where dirt has been painstakingly cleared away. 凡是想穿过这间房间的人,都必须先爬过一道狭窄的通道,通道里有一排灯泡,光线幽暗,堆积的尘土先前费了好大功夫才清干净。
1. in a fastidious and painstaking manner
painstakingly 苦心地;
painstakingly recreated 费尽心机重现;
cursory - painstakingly thorough 草率的 - 详细看过;
painstakingly built up 苦心建立;
May not little be able bear painstakingly 不可以一点点苦都受不了;