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第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
第一节(共20 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分)

Katie was in big trouble. She was such a sweet kid; a third-grade teacher always dreamed of having a classroom filled with Katies; she was never ever a discipline(纪律) problem. I just couldn't imagine why she had made her parents so angry.
It seemed that Katie had been running up sizable charges in the lunchroom. Her parents explained that Katie brought a great homemade lunch each day, and there was no reason for her to buy school lunch. They assumed a sit-down with Katie would solve the problem, but failed. So they asked me to help them get to the bottom of this situation. So the next day, I asked Katie to my office. "Why are you charging lunches, Katie? What happened to your homemade lunch?" I asked. "I lose it," she responded. I leaned back in my chair and said, "I don't believe you, Katie. " She didn't care. "Is someone stealing your lunch, Katie?" I took a new track. "No. I just lose it," she said. Well, there was nothing else I could do.
The problem was still unsolved the next week when I noticed a boy who was new to the school sitting alone at a lunch table. He always looked sad. I thought I would go and sit with him for a while. As I walked towards him, I noticed the lunch bag on the table. The name on the bag said "Katie".
Now I understood and I talked to Katie. It seemed that the new boy never brought a lunch, and he wouldn't go to the lunch line for a free lunch.
He had told Katie his secret and asked her not to tell anyone that his parents wanted him to get a free lunch at school. Katie asked me not to tell her parents, but I drove to her house that evening after I was sure that she was in bed. I had never seen parents so proud of their child. Katie didn't care that her parents and teacher were disappointed in her. But she cared about a little boy who was hungry and scared.
Katie still buys lunch every day at school. And every day, as she heads out of the door, her mom hands her a delicious homemade lunch.
21. What did the author think of Katie?
A. She performed well at school. B. She was a girl filled with love.
C. She often made trouble at school. D. She used to be a discipline problem.
22. Why did Katie eat school lunch instead of her homemade lunch every day?
A. She lost her homemade lunch.
B. She had her homemade lunch stolen.
C. She didn't like the taste of her homemade lunch.
D. She gave her homemade lunch to a hungry boy.
23. What was Katie's parents' reaction to the truth about the lunch?
A. They were very angry. B. They were proud of Katie.
C. They were disappointed. D. They were rather upset.
24. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Katie was informed that her parents had known her secret.
B. Katie told the author the truth of her lunch during their first talk.
C. Katie's secret of lunch was discovered by the author by accident.
D. Katie stopped buying lunch at school after her secret was discovered.

I log onto a computer at the doctor's office to say I have arrived and then wait until a voice calls me into the examination room.
There, a robotic nurse directs me onto a device and then takes my blood pressure. Some time later, in steps the doctor, who is also a robot. He notes down my symptoms and gives me a prescription (处方). I pay for my visit using a credit card machine and return home without having met another human being.
When I call my dentist's office and actually get a human being on the line, I am thrilled. And when I see the introduction of yet more self-service checkout stations at the grocery store, I feel like shouting, "When it comes to cashiers, make mine human, please!"
After all, human cashiers sometimes give you a store coupon (优惠券) for items you are buying. Even more than that, real-life cashiers often take an interest in particularly cute children, which can brighten a young mother's day. A cashier may also show compassion (同情)for an elderly person struggling to get that last penny out of her purse.
What technological device would do any of this? I don't want to go back to the Stone Age, but I'm also worried about a world run by machines. Sometimes when you're chatting with someone, you discover things you need to know. Maybe a receptionist needs prayers said for a sick child. Maybe a salesperson can offer a bit of encouragement to a customer who is feeling tired.
Machines can be efficient and cost-effective and they often get the job done just fine. But they lack an element so important to everyday life.
Call it the spirit, the soul or the heart. It is something no machine will ever have. It is being human that prompts us to smile at others, which may be what they need at that moment.
25. What's the author's purpose in writing the first two paragraphs?
A. To indicate high technology can make our future life very easy.
B. To describe a possible future scene where robots take control of our life.
C. To warn readers of the possible dangers of robotic nurses and doctors.
D. To predict how technology can affect the way we see a doctoring the future.
26. Why does the author prefer being served by humans rather than by robots?
A. Robots are indifferent and emotionless.
B. Robots can't provide efficient services.
C. Robots don't offer to give store coupons.
D. Robots are unable to do a job as well as humans.
27. What's the author's attitude towards machines?
A. He wishes one day they would come to life.
B. He is absolutely against their existence in his life.
C. He doesn't like they get involved in his life too much.
D. He is afraid they would take the place of human beings.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]


n. 交换,兑换,交易所
v. 交换,兑换,交

credit ['kredit]


n. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方

attractive [ə'træktiv]


adj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的

admiration [.ædmə'reiʃən]


n. 钦佩,赞赏

affect [ə'fekt]


vt. 影响,作用,感动

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

benefit ['benifit]


n. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演

disappointed [.disə'pɔintid]


adj. 失望的

gesture ['dʒestʃə]


n. 手势,姿态
v. 作手势表达

affection [ə'fekʃən]


n. 慈爱,喜爱,感情,影响





