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雅思写作辅导:范文118篇(含小作文)part 3

来源:examw 编辑:beck   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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  Tobacco should be made illegal, I agree with this idea personally. I hope most drugs can be made illegal, because, as far as I know, they are bad to our health. However, currently most countries still keep it free to use tobacco, and this situation seems to be very hard to change in a short time.

  From my own experience, using tobacco is not a good thing, especially using is for a long time. It will lead to many kinds of diseases, more importantly, many of them are fatale. One of my friends died from using too much tobacco, and it is believed there are many more people like this. The other thing that I am concerned of is, if a country doesn’t make using tobacco illegal, many young people will have a chance to use it, i.e. students. It is very dangerous, because if someone gets addicted to this when he is very young, he will then almost surely have a big health problem when he is old.

I am happy to see that, although it is free to use tobacco in many countries, most of those countries still somehow try not to encourage people using it. For example, tobacco advertisement is banned in many countries, and for many countries, smoking is banned in public places. Overall, most countries are trying to stop the use of tobacco, though it will take sometime. In my opinion, it is essential to limit the use of tobacco, and I hope everyone doesn’t use.






