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雅思写作辅导:范文118篇(含小作文)part 3

来源:examw 编辑:beck   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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  With the development of society, our life and working pressure are greater and greater. In this way, a lot of people have become smokers. Tobacco, as a kind of drugs, prevails in the society. Some people hold the opinion that tobacco should be given freedom be use, but others, in contrast, deem it should be made illegal as the same way as other drugs and that is also my point.

  Medical science proves that smoking can cause the heart diseases, lung cancer, and the immune system diseases. These diseases are all mankind's healthy enemies. The statistics have showed that people who die of the lung cancer, over 90% are smokers. In these smokers, 85% are chain smoker. So, obviously, there is enormous danger to the human health in smoking.

  In addition, smoking not only dangerous to smoker, but also do harm to people at smoker's side. The tobacco contains a large number of noxious substances, such as nicotine. Just as a famous physician says, smoking is equivalent to commit suicide chronically.

  However, the cigarette can really relax our nervous nerve, within short time. People, especially, who have heavy working pressure, are prone to produce sense of relying on to cigarette. Moreover, as everyone knows, a lot of countries impose the heavy taxation to tobacco manufacturer and seller, thus, if the tobacco business is considered as the illegal activities, the revenues of the country will be reduced correspondingly.

  In a word, the danger to people of cigarette is obvious. Though it can help us flee away from pressure, this to use health as cost. Our government should forbid the production of the tobacco, make our world fresh and nonpoisonous.






