adj. 强制的,引人注目的,令人信服的
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Questions 1-7 Do the following statemets reflect the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?
Write your answer in Boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.
TRUE if the statement reflets the claims of the writer
FALSE if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossbile to say what the writer thinks about this
1. Apple enjoys a controlling position in digital music market with its iPod music-player and iTunes music-store.
2. DRM is a government decree issued with a purpose to protect downloaded music from theft by consumers.
3. Lack of standardization in DRM makes songs bought for one kind of music player may not function on another.
4. Apple has been criticized by European regulators since it has refused to grant a license FairPlay to other firms.
5. All music can be easily played on non-iPod music devices from Sony or Microsoft without too much fiddling.
6. Apple depends far more on DRM rather than branding for its dominance of the digital music devices.
7. If DRM was cancelled, Sony would certainly dominate the international digital music market.
Questions 8-10 Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 8-10 on your answe sheet.
8. Which of the following statements about Mr. Jobs'idea of DRM is NOT TRUE?
A. DRM places restrictions on consumer'choice of digital music products available.
B. DRM comples iTunes buyers to switch to a device made by Sony or Microsoft.
C. DRM constitutes a barrier for potential consumers to enter digital music markets.
D. DRM hinders development of more stores and players and technical innovation.
9. The word "unfazed" in line 3 of paragraph E, means___________.
A. refused
B. welcomed
C. not bothered
D. not well received
10. Which of the following statements is TRUE if DRM was scapped?
A. Sony would gain the most profit.
B. More customers would be “locked in”.
C. A sudden increase in piracy would occur.
D. Online-music sales would probably decrease.
Questions 11-14 Complete the notes below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from Reading Passage 1 for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet.
Mr. Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple, explains the reason why he used to defend DRM, saying that the company was forced to do so: the record companies would make their music accessible to …11...only if they agreed to protect it using DRM; they can still…12…if the DRM system is compromised. He also provides the reason why Apple did not license FairPlay to others: the company relies on them to …13….But now he changes his mind with a possible expectation that Europe's regulators would not trouble him any more in the future. He proposes that those who are unsatisfactory with the current situation in digital music market should …14… towards persuade the music companies to sell their music DRM-free.
Notes to Reading Passage 1
1. low-key:抑制的,受约束的,屈服的
2. showman:开展览会的人,出风头的人物
3. unassuming:谦逊的,不夸耀的,不装腔作势的
4. iPod:(苹果公司出产的)音乐播放器
5. iTunes store:(苹果公司出产的)在线音乐商店
6. get off person's back: 不再找某人的麻烦,摆脱某人的纠缠
7. gravitate: 受吸引,倾向于
8. unfazed: 不再担忧,不被打扰
重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
compelling | [kəm'peliŋ] | |||
entry | ['entri] | |||
incompatibility | ['inkəm.pætə'biliti] | |||
particular | [pə'tikjulə] | 联想记忆 | ||
promptly | [prɔmptli] | |||
potential | [pə'tenʃəl] | |||
nonetheless | [.nʌnðə'les] | |||
embrace | [im'breis] | 联想记忆 | ||
expectation | [.ekspek'teiʃən] | 联想记忆 | ||
defend | [di'fend] |

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