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雅思口语激情之旅:Social Issues Part 3(7)

编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

7. Have you ever encountered an occasion when a cultural clash happened? Do you know any taboos related to Chinese culture or any other cultures?


Candidate 1: I worked as a volunteer at the airport this summer for the Beijing Olympics, and I did experience some cultural conflict. We Chinese are used to helping the foreigners with their luggage as a way of showing our hospitality, while as to some westerners; they are exposed to an independent culture so that they would feel uncomfortable when someone helped them with their personal things. Fortunately, they didn't show their uncomfortable too much and behaved gently. Besides, each team was allocated one or two volunteer assistants. But some people from South America or Oceania are fairly free and unrestrained, so they didn't want to rely on the assistants, which really caused many problems for us. The arrival and departure plan. As a result, we had to appoint someone to stay at the airport during the midnight until the last flight landed. There was even an athlete whose flight was due to leave at 10: 10, but he didn't appear until 9:40, and what was worse was that he didn't carry his ticket number so that it was hard for the airport to transmit his luggage correctly! I didn't think of cultural clash until I consider his question, but now I feel it is the source of most of my troubles.

Candidate 1以其亲身经历为例描绘了不同文化背景下人们对行为理解的差异,从侧面展现出文化碰撞的一种表现形式。叙述中提到了在帮助处理行李和递交时间表等方面,国外运动员更愿意自主自由地解决问题。若是能够深层次提出一两点解决文化差异或冲突的现实方法,就更能提升回答的立意了。

Candidate 2: There are many taboos whether in Chinese culture or in foreign culture. Here, I would like to share some with you. Chinese don't like to choose white or black gift for a wedding, though white means pure as lilies, because sometimes white reminds people of poverty or funeral, and black makes people unfortable. However, it is Spring Festival that has much more taboos. For example, you should only speak "good" words during this period, and when a kid carelessly speak out a wrong word, his parents would say kid's words are of no restrictions of any kind in a hurry. Also, you shouldn't eat fish's head or tail. On the first day of the New Year, people can't clean their houses, even not to say remove the rubbish.

There are many taboos in foreign countries as well. For instance, in England the bride couldn't see her groom on the morning before the wedding, and lighting three cigarettes from one match brings bad luck to the third party.

All the taboos may sound a little funny, but we should show our respect to them. After all, they are part of human culture.

文化禁忌本身就是长期以来一个国家或民族在生活中约定俗成的惯例,有些甚至没有可以考据的原因,有些只是心理上的暗示。Candidate 2基于对生活的观察和理解,记录了自己在生活中遇到的一些见闻感受,暂且不论从理论角度,言谈内容禁忌等是否属于实质意义上得文化禁忌范畴,仅从言语表达而言,用语简练流畅,意思清晰,总体上是值得肯定的。


重点单词   查看全部解释    
uncomfortable [ʌn'kʌmftəbl]


adj. 不舒服的,不自在的

remove [ri'mu:v]


v. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁
n. 去除

source [sɔ:s]


n. 发源地,来源,原始资料

luggage ['lʌgidʒ]


n. 行李

exposed [iks'pəuzd]


adj. 暴露的,无掩蔽的,暴露于风雨中的 v. 暴露,

athlete ['æθli:t]


n. 运动员

unrestrained ['ʌnris'treind]


adj. 无限制的,放纵的

carelessly ['kɛəlisli]


adv. 粗心大意地,疏忽地

groom [gru:m]


n. 马夫,新郎,男仆
vt. 刷洗,照看马,

clash [klæʃ]


n. 冲突,撞击声,抵触
vt. 冲突,抵触,





