For example, discussing excessive TV watching you might mention reasons:
increasing numbers of TV channels compared to a generation ago and the popularity of TV characters.
Effects: increasing obesity levels; eyesight problems and other health issues.
Experience: my nephew watches nothing except cartoons. He will not study.
Here are some examples of signposting for Part 3 of the test.
Compare/contrast: in my view there are two main differences.
进行比较或者对比:in my view there are two main differences...
Responding to a point: Yes, I agree because...; or I'm not sure I agree with that, you see…
回应某个观点:Yes, I'd agree because...或者 I'm not sure I agree with that, you see…
Speculating on the future: I think we'll probably see a lot of... or Maybe there'll be more... or It's unlikely that we will have...
就未来进行推测:I think we'll probably see a lot out of... 或 Maybe there'll be more... 又或 It's unlikely that we will have...
Practice is the key to increasing your fluency. There are no shortcuts.
Practice using English in everyday communication as much as you can.
Record yourself talking about different subjects,
then play it back and listen for linking expressions, hesitation, words you may be repeating and times when your speech is slow.
This will help improve your fluency.
The assessment criteria is the only thing on which you will be tested.
You will not be assessed on your appearance, body language while speaking in the exam or your creative ideas.
IELTS examiners are a very consistent with their application of the IELTS assessment criteria.
It is the same assessment given everywhere in the country and everywhere in the world.
For more information, please see the other speaking test videos: lexical resources, grammatical ranging accuracy and pronunciation.