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攻克雅思超级外教课 第69期:正误判断类题目不可怕 IELTS Reading strategies-True,False,Not Given(6)

来源:可可英语 编辑:ivy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • So, again, you'll have a long reading passage, and this is just a section of it.
  • [by:可可英语]
  • So, "Although once eradicated from Toronto, bed bugs have made a comeback and are now considered one of the leading pests in the city."
  • 同样的,你们在考试中会看到一段很长的阅读材料,这只是其中的一部分。
  • Okay? So the first thing I would do is I would -- I wouldn't even bother reading the reading passage yet; I would go straight to the question.
  • 文章中的句子是这样的:"Although once eradicated from Toronto, bed bugs have made a comeback and are now considered one of the leading pests in the city."(虽然多伦多的臭虫一度被根绝了,但是它们又重新出现了,并且成为了目前这座城市泛滥最严重的害虫之一)。
  • So here's the question. So I look at the fact.
  • 我会做的第一件事是,我甚至都懒得先看文章内容,我会直接去看问题。
  • The fact says, "Rats are the most common nuisance Torontonians face." Okay.
  • 这是个问题,我先看这个陈述句。
  • Now, I go back; I scan, okay, well, first, let's underline "rats", "most common", "nuisance", and "Torontonians".
  • 这个陈述句写的是:"Rats are the most common nuisance Torontonians face."(老鼠是多伦多最常见的害虫)。
  • So these are the keywords. So I'm going to scan, scan, scan, scan.
  • 现在我会回到文章中扫视......不,首先我们还是要划出关键词:"rats", "most common", "nuisance"和"Torontonians"。
  • "Although once eradicated from Toronto -- okay, so I see the word 'Toronto' -- bed bugs have made a comeback and are now considered one of the leading pests in the city." Okay.
  • 这些就是关键词,那么我就要开始扫视了。
  • So this talks about bed bugs, this talks about rats, I don't see anything here about rats.
  • "Although once eradicated from Toronto",这里有"Toronto"这个单词,"bed bugs have made a comeback and are now considered one of the leading pests in the city."
  • Now, could this be -- could this one be false?
  • 文章中描写的是臭虫,陈述句里写的是老鼠,我在文章中没有看到任何跟老鼠相关的内容。
  • Because is it bed bugs are the most common pest that Torontonians face?
  • 那么,这一句是错误的吗?
  • Well, if I read this, "bed bugs have made a comeback and are now considered one of the leading pests."
  • 因为臭虫才是多伦多最常见的害虫?
  • This does not mean that they are the most common, there could be something that's more common than them.
  • 但是,不要忘了下面的内容:"bed bugs have made a comeback and are now considered one of the leading pests."
  • Maybe rats are the most common nuisance, okay?
  • 这句话并没有说臭虫是最常见的,也许还有比它们更常见的害虫。
  • So you've got to be careful with words like "one of the", "One of the leading pests", "the most common".
  • 也许老鼠确实是最常见的害虫。
  • So if I look at this question -- oh, the other thing I forgot to mention: When you the check for synonyms, in this example, "pest" and "nuisance", these are synonyms.
  • 所以你们一定要小心像"one of the", "One of the leading pests", "the most common"这样的单词。
  • So that helps lead me to this area.
  • 所以如果我看到这一题......哦,还有一件事我忘了说,如果你们在找同义词的话,这个例子里的同义词是"pest" 和"nuisance"。

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So, again, you'll have a long reading passage, and this is just a section of it.

So, "Although once eradicated from Toronto, bed bugs have made a comeback and are now considered one of the leading pests in the city."
文章中的句子是这样的:"Although once eradicated from Toronto, bed bugs have made a comeback and are now considered one of the leading pests in the city."(虽然多伦多的臭虫一度被根绝了,但是它们又重新出现了,并且成为了目前这座城市泛滥最严重的害虫之一)。
Okay? So the first thing I would do is I would -- I wouldn't even bother reading the reading passage yet; I would go straight to the question.
So here's the question. So I look at the fact.
The fact says, "Rats are the most common nuisance Torontonians face." Okay.
这个陈述句写的是:"Rats are the most common nuisance Torontonians face."(老鼠是多伦多最常见的害虫)。
Now, I go back; I scan, okay, well, first, let's underline "rats", "most common", "nuisance", and "Torontonians".
现在我会回到文章中扫视......不,首先我们还是要划出关键词:"rats", "most common", "nuisance"和"Torontonians"。
So these are the keywords. So I'm going to scan, scan, scan, scan.
"Although once eradicated from Toronto -- okay, so I see the word 'Toronto' -- bed bugs have made a comeback and are now considered one of the leading pests in the city." Okay.
"Although once eradicated from Toronto",这里有"Toronto"这个单词,"bed bugs have made a comeback and are now considered one of the leading pests in the city."
So this talks about bed bugs, this talks about rats, I don't see anything here about rats.
Now, could this be -- could this one be false?
Because is it bed bugs are the most common pest that Torontonians face?
Well, if I read this, "bed bugs have made a comeback and are now considered one of the leading pests."
但是,不要忘了下面的内容:"bed bugs have made a comeback and are now considered one of the leading pests."
This does not mean that they are the most common, there could be something that's more common than them.
Maybe rats are the most common nuisance, okay?
So you've got to be careful with words like "one of the", "One of the leading pests", "the most common".
所以你们一定要小心像"one of the", "One of the leading pests", "the most common"这样的单词。
So if I look at this question -- oh, the other thing I forgot to mention: When you the check for synonyms, in this example, "pest" and "nuisance", these are synonyms.
所以如果我看到这一题......哦,还有一件事我忘了说,如果你们在找同义词的话,这个例子里的同义词是"pest" 和"nuisance"。
So that helps lead me to this area.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
pest [pest]


n. 害虫

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

bother ['bɔðə]


v. 使恼怒,使不安,烦扰,费心
n. 烦扰,





