So in this case, I see nothing about rats being the most common nuisance.
It doesn't say, "Rats are the most common nuisance." It also doesn't say they are not.
文章中并没有提到"Rats are the most common nuisance.",也没有说它们不是。
So in this case, my answer would be "not given".Okay.
Now, there are some important things I want to go over just quickly.
One of the things I want to tell you is even if you read a statement -- okay, you read the passage, you read the statement.
Maybe you study rats at university, maybe you're an expert, and you know for a fact rats are the most common nuisance Torontonians face, "This is 100 percent true. I know it."
If you don't see it in the reading passage, it doesn't matter if it is true or not, okay?
Even if you know it's true, if you don't see it, the answer is "not given", okay? So that's very important.
Another important point is don't spend too much time on each fact because what can happen is maybe there's no information.
Maybe it is a "not given", but if you think "I've got to find it", "I've got to find it", "I've got to find it", and you keep searching, you'll waste a lot of time, and the answer might just be it's not there.
So it's better to spend some time on it, just a little time, and guess if you don't know.
You can always put a star and go back after, so maybe, if I didn't know this, I'd put a star; I'd move on to the next question, and then I'd take a guess.
So that's also a very important point.
Okay, so I hope you come visit us at our website: www. engvid. com. There, you can practice a test which will hopefully help you prepare for your IELTS.
I hope you will feel more comfortable with this type of question after practicing our test.
So until next time.