intrude-irrespective The invisible pair
When Bill learned how to become invisible he began to intrude on everyone's business.
比尔学会隐形后 便开始侵扰别人的生活
But he wasn't too inventive and people often felt an irregularity in their rooms,
但他太没有创造力, 人们常常能觉察到屋里 不对劲儿,
as if they were being watched. Some even stood up to investigate.
好像有人在监视他们。 有些人甚至会起身查 看一下。
One woman's intuition was so good that she almost stepped on Bill's toes,
有个女人的直觉特好, 差点儿就踩到了比尔的 脚趾头。
which would have invalidated the irresistible attraction of spying for sure.
要是真踩上了, 那就肯定会使偷窥失去 那不可抗拒的吸引力。
Discovery had a way of doing that. Bill never invaded her home again.
发现之后就会是那样, 比尔再也没敢闯入她家
But Bill was lucky and he began to turn his gift into an investment. He took inventory of the belongings of several rich people,
但是比尔又是幸运的, 他开始将自己的天赋 变成一种投资。 他查清了几个富人的 财产,
and slowly began to take invaluable items home for himself. But he never took invoices
然后慢慢地开始把一些 无价之宝拿回家。 因为比尔从不拿发票回 家,
and his wife began to become suspicious about the surprising inversion of the quality of items
妻子起了疑心, 她奇怪怎么反过来质量 那么好
Bill said he had purchased. Irrespective of her very intuitive concerns, however,
比尔说是买来的那 些东西 但是比尔没有理会她非 常直觉的担心,
Bill ignored her completely. The irony of the situation
完全没有把她放在眼里 具有讽刺意味的是,
was that she was once the invariable one who had always wanted to purchase expensive items.
比尔太太一直是个 想买贵重物品的人,
Now she couldn't accept sudden riches in her own home! She had to know what was going on.
而现在她却对家里突然 出现的贵重物品接受不 了! 她得知道到底是怎么 回事。
One day she inverted the tables on Bill, hid in a corner and waited for him to come home.
一天, 她将几张桌子 倒置朝着比尔, 然后藏到一个角落里 等比尔回来。
When Bill came home invisible she caught him. Her concerns became invalid, however,
比尔隐形回到家里, 被太太逮了个正着。 但是她的担心就没有了
when she understood the implications of being invisible. She even had an inverse reaction
当她明白了隐形的含义 之后, 她的态度来了个一百 八十度的大转弯,
and began to tell Bill what items he should bring home next. And Bill eventually taught her how to become invisible herself.
甚至告诉比尔下次该拿 什么东西回家。 最后, 比尔教会了妻子 如何隐形。
They were quite a pair!An invisible pair, that is.
他俩真是天生的一对! 也就是说, 他俩是一 对隐形夫妻。