Relaxation methods
I think the best relaxation method is to meditate in a quiet place. I can experience a brilliant moment of myself. In the evening,I will sit quietly and think about all of my accomplishments for the week. I will congratulate myself. I will think that I am such a wonderful person. I will find ways to mentally celebrate my successes. In this way,I can boost my selfesteem and find my place of triumph in the midst of the madness. I do it everyday because daily relaxation reduces frustration, stress and anxiety. It also offers me at least some opportunities to unwind and escape from the speed of everyday life. After doing meditation, I will be refreshed and have more courage to devote to the second day. Meditation is important because it keeps me far from the noise of modern cities.I have some moments for myself, I feel enjoyable whenever I do it.
我认为最好的放松方式是在一个安静的地方沉思。我可以感受到自己才华横溢的时刻。在晚上,我会平静地坐着考虑这一周我所有的成绩。我会祝贺我自己。用这种方式,我可以提高自尊心还有在疯狂之中找到我的胜利的场所。 我每天都会这样做,因为每日的放松可以减少挫败、压力以及焦虑。也至少可以给我一些机会使我放松心情还有远离每天快速的生活。在思考过之后,我会重新提起精神从而有更多勇气致力未来。思考是很重要的,因为它使我远离现代城市的喧嚣。我有属于自己的时刻,无论什么时候做我都觉得很有乐趣。