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攻克雅思超级外教课 第135期:雅思写作:数字与图表(6)

来源:可可英语 编辑:ivy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • When we talk about quarters, we can also talk about three quarters, where instead of talking about this little piece,
  • [by:可可英语]
  • we're talking about the rest of the pie.
  • 当我们讲到四分之几时,我们还可以说"three quarters"(四分之三),也就是我们讲的不是这一小块,
  • So, whereas this is one quarter, this in red is three quarters. Okay?
  • 而是饼状图剩余的所有部分。
  • We can also talk about "a fifth", so, if the pie has five parts, 20% would be a fifth.
  • 所以,这是"one quarter",而红色的部分是"three quarters"。
  • Okay? So, in red is a fifth, or we can also talk about "a sixth".
  • 我们还可以说"a fifth"(五分之一),所以如果这个饼状图分成了五个部分,20%就是五分之一。
  • If we have one, two, three, four, five, six, six slices, six equal slices, if I color in one of these, that becomes a sixth.
  • 所以红色的部分就是a fifth,或者我们还可以说"a sixth"(六分之一)。
  • Now, one thing to note: when we talked about "half", we don't use an article, we don't say: "a half". Okay?
  • 如果我们把饼状图六等分,如果我把其中一块涂上颜色,那么那一块就成为了a sixth。
  • Notice there is no "a" here, when we talk about "a third", "a quarter", "a sixth", "a fifth" - we do have "a" there. Okay?
  • 有一点要注意:我们在讲"half"的时候前面不加冠词,我们不说"a half",知道了吗?
  • So, you don't need "a" with "half", but you do need it if you're talking about "a third", "a quarter", "a fifth", or "a sixth".
  • 注意这里没有"a",但是当我们说其他分母,比如"a third", "a quarter", "a sixth", "a fifth",前面是要加"a"的。
  • Okay, excellent. So, now let's talk a little more about percents.
  • 也就是说,"half"前面不加"a",但是讲到"a third", "a quarter", "a fifth"或者"a sixth"时是需要加上"a"的。
  • Okay, so I made a little bit of a mistake in one of my drawings, a fifth,
  • 好的,非常好。那我们现在再稍微多讲讲比例。
  • I think I drew actually just four slices, here, there's one, two, three, four, five.
  • 我在其中一幅图里犯了个小错误,五分之一那张图,
  • So, if I colored in one of these, this slice would be a fifth. Okay?
  • 我好像其实只画了四块,我数数,一、二、三、四、五。
  • So, now what we're going to do is we're going to talk about another way to boost your vocabulary mark when you're talking about numbers and pie charts.
  • 如果我在这其中一块涂上颜色,那这一块就是"a fifth"了。
  • So, I have here a new pie chart.
  • 现在我们要讲讲在你们描述数字和饼状图时能够提高词汇分的另一种方法。

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When we talk about quarters, we can also talk about three quarters, where instead of talking about this little piece,

当我们讲到四分之几时,我们还可以说"three quarters"(四分之三),也就是我们讲的不是这一小块,
we're talking about the rest of the pie.
So, whereas this is one quarter, this in red is three quarters. Okay?
所以,这是"one quarter",而红色的部分是"three quarters"。
We can also talk about "a fifth", so, if the pie has five parts, 20% would be a fifth.
我们还可以说"a fifth"(五分之一),所以如果这个饼状图分成了五个部分,20%就是五分之一。
Okay? So, in red is a fifth, or we can also talk about "a sixth".
所以红色的部分就是a fifth,或者我们还可以说"a sixth"(六分之一)。
If we have one, two, three, four, five, six, six slices, six equal slices, if I color in one of these, that becomes a sixth.
如果我们把饼状图六等分,如果我把其中一块涂上颜色,那么那一块就成为了a sixth
Now, one thing to note: when we talked about "half", we don't use an article, we don't say: "a half". Okay?
有一点要注意:我们在讲"half"的时候前面不加冠词,我们不说"a half",知道了吗?
Notice there is no "a" here, when we talk about "a third", "a quarter", "a sixth", "a fifth" - we do have "a" there. Okay?
注意这里没有"a",但是当我们说其他分母,比如"a third", "a quarter", "a sixth", "a fifth",前面是要加"a"的。
So, you don't need "a" with "half", but you do need it if you're talking about "a third", "a quarter", "a fifth", or "a sixth".
也就是说,"half"前面不加"a",但是讲到"a third", "a quarter", "a fifth"或者"a sixth"时是需要加上"a"的。
Okay, excellent. So, now let's talk a little more about percents.
Okay, so I made a little bit of a mistake in one of my drawings, a fifth,
I think I drew actually just four slices, here, there's one, two, three, four, five.
So, if I colored in one of these, this slice would be a fifth. Okay?
如果我在这其中一块涂上颜色,那这一块就是"a fifth"了。
So, now what we're going to do is we're going to talk about another way to boost your vocabulary mark when you're talking about numbers and pie charts.
So, I have here a new pie chart.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
slice [slais]


n. 薄片,切片
vt. 切成薄片,削

boost [bu:st]


vt. 推进,提高,增加
n. 推进,增加





