n. 原则,原理,主义,信念
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We will make further efforts to introduce policies and measures from time to time to address issues that Taiwan compatriots are concerned with and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.
分析:evince a strong passion for 热衷于
crave 热衷于
be fond of 热衷于
be keen on 热衷于
have shown/demonstrate/displayed/taken deep/strong/keen interest in 热衷于
He hankers after personal fame and gain.
They are fond of skating.
Confucius’ idea of “benevolent governance” and his concept of “being harmonious while
remaining different” are of great significance to any leader of a country.
对外改革开放的思想→the idea of the reform and opening-up to the outside world
有中国特色的市场经济思想→the concept of a market economy with Chinese characteristics
32、“涉外”concerning foreign affairs or foreign nationals 或 involving / related
to foreign nationals and countries
涉外工作→working involving foreign countries or foreign nationals
涉外问题→issues related to foreign countries or foreign nationals
涉外经济法规→laws and regulations governing business relations with foreign organizations
and individuals
涉外饭店→hotels designated for accommodating foreigners
涉外经济合同→an economic contract involving a foreign partner / party
根据本条例→in accordance / accord with the spirit of this regulations
根据合同使用劳动力→use labor on a contract basis
根据具体情况→in the light of the circumstances
根据先例→based on precedents
根据重量→by weight
根据现行中国法律→under the existing Chinese law
毫无根据→be utterly groundless
她的怀疑是有充分根据的→There is great cause for her suspicion

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