Section 1:英译汉(50 分)
毕考夫斯基村是一个有457 口人的村庄,地处俄罗斯东北部沿海 一个鳍形半岛的顶端。那里的海岸正在崩溃,离房屋和取暖用油的油 罐越来越近,后撤的速度是每年18英尺,即5-6米。每年夏季,冰继续融化,最后家园将会消失,整个毕考夫斯基村可能也将不复存在。
“几乎到处是冰——永冻土——现在却在融化。”生活在北极圈 以北的400万俄罗斯人在许多方面感受到气候变暧的影响。气候变化 带来新的机遇,但同时也威胁着他们的环境,烕胁着他们家园的稳 定,对那些以冰雪荒原为其传统之根基的人来说,也威胁着他们文化
开发北方的步伐因北极海域的冰融化而加快。这对当地百姓来 说,既会带来好处,也会带来危险。巴伦支海和喀拉海大油田的发现 增加了人们对灾难性事故的恐惧,因为不断有满载石油或液化气的船 只穿过斯堪的纳维亚半岛沿海的渔场,驶往望眼欲穿的欧洲和北美市 场。随着发电机、大烟囱和大型运输工具不断涌现,以支持能源工业 的发展,过去人迹罕见的地方可能会遭受空气和水污染。
海岸的侵蚀在阿拉斯加也是一个问题,迫使美国准备将沿岸好几 处因纽特人的村庄迁往他处,估计每迁一个村子要耗资一亿美元。
在北极圈内,当地部落数百年来生活在严寒与冰雪之中,并形成 了自己的文化传统。现在他们感受到气候和野生动物的变化,试图适 应这种状况,但不知如何是好。
在挪威最北边的芬马克省,北极风光在冬末展现出来,是一望无 际的冰雪高原,一片寂静,只能听到驯鹿的叫声,和偶尔传来的放牧 人摩托雪橇的嗡嗡声。
北极的变化在这里也能感受到,不过方式不同。“驯鹿变得不如 以前自在了,” 31岁的养鹿人伊萨特•艾伊拉说。
在保护环境和保存地方习俗方面,没有几个国家能与挪威相比。 挪威把大量的石油收入用于这一地区,使得萨米文化仿佛经历了一场 文艺复兴。
然而不论政府给以多大的帮助,也无法使艾伊拉相信他那与驯鹿 交织在一起的生活眼下不会发生变化。跟得克萨斯州的养牛人一样, 他对他的牲畜数量保密。不过他说秋季和春季温度升高,将表层积雪 融化,随后又冻成冰,这使他的驯鹿隔着冰层难以吃到地衣。
艾伊拉说:“决策人都住在南边,住在城市里。他们不注意天气 的变化。只有在大自然里讨生活的人才注意天气的变化。”他是坐在 家里的火炉边说这番话的,火炉里烧的是桦木。他的家是用驯鹿皮搭 成的,这种居所叫做“拉屋”。
Section 2:汉译英(50 分)
China takes great pride in its varied cuisines, and food is an important element of the Chinese culture. There are eight principal cuisines, including the spicy Sichuan dishes and the light Cantonese cooking. Chinese restaurants are very popular in all parts of the world.
However, changing lifestyles in China have led to new eating habits at home and in restaurants. Cheese and tomato sauces are being brought into some traditional Chinese dishes. Urban consumers have taken readily to fast-food chains, such as McDonald's, KFC and Pizza Hut. Market research shows that Western-style fast-food consumption will continue to grow in China, at an annual rate of more than 45 percent in the coming few years, while Chinese fast-food outlets are projected to grow by 15 percent.
Rising incomes, combined with greater awareness of international foods and convenient supermarket, have led to the emergence of a new generation of consumers who are more willing to try packaged and canned food products. As more and more households own refrigerators,frozen food, from ready-made dumplings to French fries, are available in supermarkets. Organic products can also be found at stores in big cities, although they can be much more expensive than conventional products.
Owing to changed lifestyles, a growing number of Chinese are unwilling to go shopping for food every day, leading to an increased acceptance of packaged items. Rising car ownership and the emergence of new suburbs are additional factors in the growing popularity of supermarkets.