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林超伦实战口译练习笔记(MP3+中英字幕) 第2期:世界最紧密的经济体之翼

来源:可可英语 编辑:clover   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • But,on the other hand, this is where our skills lie—in high value added, high skilled, knowledge intensive operations.
  • [by:可可英语]
  • So we also have a huge opportunity to benefit—as China develops outwards, moves into new markets and embraces new technologies
  • 但另一方面,这也正是我们的技能所在---高增加值,高技能,知识密集产业。
  • to offer our unique skills and expertise, which are so in evidence here today.
  • 因此我们也有举得机遇来创造利润---随着中国向外拓展,寻求新的市场,寻找新的技能
  • We are the best place in Europe to do business.
  • 我们提供独有的技能和知识就很明显了。
  • This is not just rhetoric.
  • 我们位处欧洲商业的最好地段。
  • The statistics prove it.
  • 这不是在自夸,
  • We attract almost a quarter of all investment into the EU, twice as much from the US as our closest European competitor,
  • 有数据可以证明。
  • and around 40% of all Japanese investment in Europe.
  • 我们吸引了欧盟投资的近四分之一,是我们欧洲其他竞争者从美国拉拢投资的两倍,
  • There are three main strengths Britain has to offer inward investors;
  • 占日本投资欧洲的40%。
  • First, macro-economic stability—the crucial foundation for business success.
  • 英国对内投资者有一下三大优势:
  • We have the lowest inflation and interest rates in 40 years.
  • 首先,宏观经济稳定---商业成功的重要基础。
  • In 2001, we experienced the fastest growth in the G7.
  • 我们40年来通货膨胀和利率最低。
  • Second, our position in the EU—providing an excellent gateway into Europe.
  • 2001年,我们是西方7大工业国增长最快的国家。
  • The EU already offers a customer base of almost 400 million.
  • 第二,我们在欧盟的位置---为进入欧洲提供了便利。
  • After enlargement, this will be almost 500 million.
  • 欧盟已经提供了近4亿的客户群,
  • Third, British scientists, innovators, managers and leaders are the best in the world.
  • 进一步发展后,这一数字将会接近5亿。
  • With 1 % of the world's population, we fund 5% of the world's science produce 8% of all the world's scientific papers, and get 9% of scientific citations.
  • 第三,英国科学家,发明家,管理人和领导是世界最好的。
  • Our skills in research, software, marketing and design are the best in the world.
  • 虽只有世界1%的人口,我们却又世界科技5%的基金,产生世界8%的科研成果,并拿到9%的科学奖。
  • And we are well ahead in areas like mobile communications and digital TV and in areas like semiconductor design.
  • 我们在研究,软件,市场和设计方面的能力是世界最好的,
  • All areas are strongly represented here today.
  • 我们在移动通讯,数码电视和半导体设计方面也处于领先地位。
  • And it is these skills which I know are particularly relevant to you
  • 所有方面如今都卓有成效。
  • because these are the skills that are driving the new information and communication technology industries.
  • 我们拥有的这些能力正与你们相关
  • And Britain really is excelling in them, which is why world leaders such as Intel, CISCO and Exodux have all invested in Britain.
  • 因为这些是推动新信息和通讯技术行业的技能,
  • Bill Gates has called the UK "the best place in the world to do E-business".
  • 英国在这一方面出类拔萃,这就是为什么像因特尔,CISCO和Exodux这些企业的领导都会再英国投资的原因。
  • Ralph Averbuch, UK producer of Yahoo, has called the UK "… by far the most I mature on-line market in Europe".
  • 比尔.盖茨将英国称为“世界上做电子商务的最好位置”。
  • We have the most developed and largest market in ICT in Europe—one of the most connected economies in the world.
  • 雅虎英国生产商拉尔夫.阿费尔布赫称英国为“迄今为止欧洲最成熟的在线市场”。
  • We transact more than 57 billion pounds worth of sales over the Internet.
  • 我们有欧洲最发达最大的信息与通讯市场---世界上最紧密的经济体之翼。
  • This is on a par wide the USA and Canada—and way ahead of countries like Germany and Sweden.
  • 我们网络交易额超过570亿英镑,

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But,on the other hand, this is where our skills liein high value added, high skilled, knowledge intensive operations. So we also have a huge opportunity to benefitas China develops outwards, moves into new markets and embraces new technologiesto offer our unique skills and expertise, which are so in evidence here today.

We are the best place in Europe to do business. This is not just rhetoric. The statistics prove it. We attract almost a quarter of all investment into the EU, twice as much from the US as our closest European competitor, and around 40% of all Japanese investment in Europe.
There are three main strengths Britain has to offer inward investors;
First, macro-economic stabilitythe crucial foundation for business success. We have the lowest inflation and interest rates in 40 years. In 2001, we experienced the fastest growth in the G713.
Second, our position in the EUproviding an excellent gateway into Europe. The EU already offers a customer base of almost 400 million. After enlargement, this will be almost 500 million.
Third, British scientists, innovators, managers and leaders are the best in the world. With 1 % of the world's population, we fund 5% of the world's science produce 8% of all the world's scientific papers, and get 9% of scientific citations.
Our skills in research, software, marketing and design are the best in the world. And we are well ahead in areas like mobile communications and digital TV and in areas like semiconductor design. All areas are strongly represented here today.
And it is these skills which I know are particularly relevant to youbecause these are the skills that are driving the new information and communication technology industries. And Britain really is excelling in them, which is why world leaders such as Intel, CISCO and Exodux have all invested in Britain- Bill Gates has called the UK "the best place in the world to do E-business".
Ralph Averbuch, UK producer of Yahoo, has called the UK "… by far the most I mature on-line market in Europe". We have the most developed and largest market in ICT in Europeone of the most connected economies in the world. We transact more than £ 57 billion worth of sales over the Internet. This is on a par wide the USA and Canadaand way ahead of countries like Germany and Sweden.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
unique [ju:'ni:k]


adj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的

base [beis]


n. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱

produce [prə'dju:s]


n. 产品,农作物
vt. 生产,提出,引起,

mature [mə'tjuə]


adj. 成熟的,(保单)到期的,考虑周到的

relevant ['relivənt]


adj. 相关的,切题的,中肯的

benefit ['benifit]


n. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

crucial ['kru:ʃəl]


adj. 关键的,决定性的

stability [stə'biliti]


n. 稳定性,居于修道院





