《菜根谭》是元末明初道人洪应明收集编著的一部论述修养、人生、处世、出世的语录世集。本节大意:清廉而有容忍的雅量,仁慈而又能当机立断,精明而不防害细察,刚正而又不至执撒,这种道理就像蜜饯虽然浸在糖里即不过分的甜,海产的鱼虾虽然腌在缸里却不过分的咸,一个人要能把持住不偏不倚的尺度才算是处人 做事的美德。
When at leisure do not let precious times slip idly by. You will discover the great value of such advice in your busy days. In times of tranquility do not forget to improve yourself. You will see the importance of this when you get down to work. If you can resist all temptations when you are alone, your behavior in public will be impeccable.
(保罗·怀特 译)
Make good use of time and endeavor to learn something while at leisure; thus one will benefit from doing so when busy. Get preparations in advance while at ease; thus one will be master of the situation in case of action. Be not involved in wicked events upon the sly; thus one will be respected on public occasions.
(周文标 译)
Seize time when idle, and you will benefit when busy; live fully when at leisure, and you will benefit when in haste; be open and aboveboard in private, and you will benefit in public.
(蒋坚松 译)