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中级美国英语 Lesson 1: One,which one 和单字介词

来源:本站原创 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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刚才我们练习了用 one 跟 which one 作句子, 现在让我们看一看怎么用单字介 词 preposition 作句子. 比如: on, o-n, on "上面", under, u-n-d-e-r, under "下面", in, i-n, in "里面", 等等都是介词. 我们还要学一个字以上的介词, 比如: in front of "在什么什么前面", in back of "在什么什么后面"之类的短语来作句子.

首先请你注意听一些有介词跟介词短语的句子, 内容是说 Susan 坐在那儿吃 早点, 桌上有面包, 有一杯牛奶, 天花板上吊着一盏灯, 桌底下有只狗. 好, 现在 请你注意听, 每个句子我们念两遍.

M: Susan is at the table.

F: Susan is at the table.

M: The bread is on the table.

F: The bread is on the table.

M: The milk is in the glass.

F: The milk is in the glass.

M: The dog is under the table.

F: The dog is under the table.

M: The lamp is over the table.

F: The lamp is over the table.

下面我们来做换字练习. 先由老师念一个句子, 接着老师提出一个介词短语, 请 学生把这个介词短语换到句子里. 首先给你举个例子:

M: The suitcase is under the seat.

M: under the table

F: The suitcase is under the table.

好, 我们正式开始. 在你回答之后, 请你听正确答案.

M: The suitcase is under the seat.

M: under the table

F: The suitcase is under the table.

M: under the chair

F: The suitcase is under the chair.

M: under the desk

F: The suitcase is under the desk.


M: Susan is next to the window.

M: next to the door

F: Susan is next to the door.

M: next to the table

F: Susan is next to the table.

M: next to her parents

F: Susan is next to her parents.


M: Henry is in front of the door.

M: in front of the window

F: Henry is in front of the window.

M: in front of the table

F: Henry is in front of the table.

M: in front of the seat

F: Henry is in front of the seat.


M: Henry's house is near the airport.

M: near the railroad station

F: Henry's house is near the railroad station.

M: near the park

F: Henry's house is near the park.

M: near the school

F: Henry's house is near the school.


M: Kate lives far from the city.

M: far from the office

F: Kate lives far from the office.

M: far from the store

F: Kate lives far from the store.

M: far from the university

F: Kate lives far from the university.

关键字: 日语语法




