To bet one's bottom dollar 这个片语一看就知道肯定和钱有关。To bet就是打赌。 Dollar我们通常用来指美元,当然 Canadian dollar,HK dollar 等等其他的国家的钱币也有用这个单位的。所以我们也可以直接把dollar理解成“钱”。One's bottom dollar就是一个人把钱都花完了,只剩下口袋里最后一张钞票。当某人用自己最后剩下的钱去打赌的时候,这个人一定很自信,认为自己在某个问题上完全正确,因此愿意冒一切风险来证实这一点,也就是愿赌服输了。
You know, Senator Clark keeps telling the press that he won't run for president in 1996. But I'd bet my bottom dollar that two years from now he'll announce he's a candidate.
Our company was to deliver the ordered products to our clients before four in the afternoon. However, Larry forgot the whole thing and the client was mad as a wet hen. But I bet my bottom dollar that Larry will blame somebody else for his mistake.