那么,“发生了地震”,该如何说呢?地震多属于突发事件,来势猛烈,去的也快,因此,英语中描述地震的动词也多具有这样的特点。比如用hit 和roll across两个词。Roll 表示“波动起伏地前进”,比如:
President Vicente Fox declared a state of emergency today in Colima, a coastal state hit overnight by a powerful earthquake that rolled across central Mexico from the Pacific Ocean, killing at least 29 people and rattling millions of Mexico City residents.
在下面的文字中,还用了strike:The quake struck at 8:07 pm. 地震发生在晚上8点零7分。此外,还可以用 shake,jolt,rock,rip through(迅速或猛烈地移动)等等。请看下面的例子:
It took only minutes on Saturday June 23rd for a powerful 8.1 earthquake to rip through southern Peru,…
中国日报网就这次地震所做的专题的标题用的就是jolt:Strong earthquake jolts SW China 四川汶川发生强烈地震
Experts with the China Earthquake Networks Center said strong aftershocks may still rock Wenchuan, though quakes exceeding 7.8 on the Richter scale are unlikely.
When he was working on Monday afternoon, Tan said he suddenly felt the ground was shaking.