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In the final video Sarah starts her first day at WebWare and Philip and Marcia show her around the office. Sarah is surprised to find that she doesn’t have to hot desk. Hot desking is the practice of using any available desk at work, instead of having a desk assigned to you and is quite common in UK companies. It is often associated with flexible working and work-life balance, two buzz words in corporate life these days.

在今天这集节目中,我们了解了"hot desking"这个新的概念,意思是“办公桌轮用(非固定分配)".

Flexible working(弹性工作方式) is a phrase that describes any working pattern adapted to suit the needs of the employee.

Common types of flexible working are:

part-time: working less than the normal hours, perhaps by working fewer days per week 兼职

flexi-time: choosing when to work (there's usually a core period during which you have to work) compressed hours: working your agreed hours over fewer days 可伸缩的劳动时间

staggered hours: different starting, break and finishing times for employees in the same workplace 工作时间错开制

job sharing: sharing a job designed for one person with someone else home working: working from home 轮岗制



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