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跟可可走遍美国:I DoA我愿意ACTI

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I DoA我愿意CTI教师讲解版视频

Upstairs in Philip and Ellen's bedroom. Philip, Richard, and Robbie are talking to Harry as he gets dressed for his wedding.

Philip is also helping Harry tie his bow tie.

Harry:[He looks in the mirror at his bow tie.] It looks wrong.

Philip:Hmmm. It is wrong.

Richard:Are they always that difficult to make?

Philip:The truth is…yes. I'll try again.

Robbie:At this rate,the wedding will take place tomorrow.

Philip:Not to worry.OK. Here we go. [He tries again to tie Harry's bow tie.]

Harry:I'm worried, Philip. What if we can't tie the tie?

Richard:[joking] If we can't tie the tie, then there can't be a wedding.

Robbie:You'd better not make Harry any more nervous than he is.[to Harry ]Don't worry. We'll figure a way.

[Grandpa enters the room.]

Grandpa:How're you doing, fellas?

Harry:[nervously] Not so good, Grandpa. We can't get this bow tie tied. Nobody knows how to do it. Do you?

Grandpa:No. I never could, either.

Philip:Well, you have your own tuxedo. How do you tie your bow tie?

Robbie:Yeah, Grandpa, I've seen you in it. You look great. How do you tie it?

Grandpa:I don't.

Richard:You don't?

Harry:What do you mean?

Grandpa:I never could tie one of those…things… bow ties. I have always worn a clip-on bow tie.

Harry:A clip-on?

Philip:Of course. Now I remember.

Grandpa:Yes, it's so easy. All you do is clip it around under your collar.

Richard:We all need one of those.

Robbie:The tuxedo rental store. Do you think they re open?

Philip:Should be.Sunday's their big day.

Richard:I'll call and find out. [He leaves the room.]

Grandpa:Well, if they're not, I'll lend you mine, Harry. You're the only one who really needs to be wearing a tuxedo,


Harry:Thanks, Grandpa.

Philip:[He tries to make Harry feel better.] I'm the father of the bride. I'm supposed to be wor ried about my daughter, and

here I am with the man that's marrying my daughter-worrying about him.

[They all laugh.]

Grandpa:Poor Harry. I know the feeling. Wedding-day jitters.

Robbie:[to Richard as Richard returns] Are they open?

Richard:We're in luck. They're open. And they have lots of clip-on bow ties.

Robbie:I'll bicycle down to the village and get them.

Harry:You'd better hurry, Robbie.

[Robbie leaves.]

Grandpa:There's lots of time. [He looks at his watch.] A little over two hours.

Harry:In two hours and fifteen minutes I'll be married to Susan.

Philip:And be a true member of the Stewart family.

Grandpa:Oh, you're a lucky guy, Harry. Susan is one of the best women you'll ever find. She's just like her grandma.

Richard:Now, once you put the ring on Susan's finger,you are one of us, Harry. And don't ever forget it.

Harry:Ring? Ring? Oh my! What did I do with the rings? I put them in the pocket of my sports jacket.

Richard:No, I think you put them in your tuxedo jacket pocket. Remember?

Harry:Right. [He searches in his pockets but doesn't find them.] what did I do with the rings?

Philip:Didn't you give them to Richard? He's your best man. I remember. You gave them to Richard.

Richard:Oh, yeah. I remember now. You handed them to me. [Richard searches in his pockets. ]What did I do with them?

Harry:I hope they aren't lost.

Grandpa:Oh, don't worry, Harry. They have to be here.

Richard:I remember. I gave them to Robbie to hold so I wouldn't lose them.

Harry:Where's Robbie?

Philip:Relax, Harry. Robbie went to pick up the clip-on bow ties.

Harry:Oh, I forgot. What time is it?

Grandpa:It's still a little over two hours, Harry. Just relax.

Harry:What about the rings?

Richard:I'm sure Robbie has them.

Harry:[He suddenly remembers. ] No, no, Robbie doesn't have them. He gave them to me to hold on to them because he didn't

want the responsibility of holing them. I put them in my tuxedo-but in the lapel pocket. [He finds them there.] That's a

relief.I was really worried.

Richard:[He takes the rings.]I'll hold on to them for you. The best man always keeps the rings.

Harry:You're right. You're right. You hold on to them so there won't be a problem later.

Philip:Well, now, I think we'd better get dressed, fellas.

Grandpa:All right!

Richard:Robbie will bring the ties back.

[Grandpa, Philip, and Richard start to leave.]

Harry:Hey, leaving me?

Grandpa:You'll be fine.

Philip:Try to take it easy. It'll all be over in two


Grandpa:The wedding ceremony will be over. You'll be husband and wife.

Harry:I guess you're right. Two hours from now.

[Alone now, Harry sits on the bed. He looks at his watch and thinks aloud.]Two hours from now.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
chase [tʃeis]


n. 追求,狩猎,争取
vt. 追捕,狩猎

clip [klip]


n. 夹子,钳,回形针,弹夹
n. 修剪,(羊

shaving ['ʃeiviŋ]


n. 刮胡子,修面;削;刨花 v. 修面,剃(shave

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的

trunk [trʌŋk]


n. 树干,躯干,干线, 象鼻,(汽车后部)行李箱



n. 驱动器;驱动力;驱动程序(drive的复数形式)

collar ['kɔlə]


n. 衣领,项圈,[机]轴环
vt. 抓住,为

knot [nɔt]


n. 结,节
vi. 打结

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的





