Exotic: from or in another country, especially a tropical one; seeming exciting and unusual because it is connected with foreign countries 来自异国(*尤指热带国家)的;奇异的;异国情调的;异国风味的
brightly-coloured exotic flowers/plants/birds
She travels to all kinds of exotic locations all over the world.
Young caps:年轻人
Enviable: something that is enviable is the sort of thing that is good and that other people want to have too 令人羡慕的;引起忌妒的 adjective
He is in the enviable position of having two job offers to choose from.
Resonate: of a voice, an instrument, etc. 嗓音、乐器等 to make a deep, clear sound that continues for a long time 产生共鸣;发出回响;回荡
Her voice resonated through the theatre.