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地道英语学习第41期(附讲解音频):High-flyer 成功人士

编辑:Lily   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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William: Hi I'm William and welcome to Authentic Real English. 大家好,我是威廉,欢迎收听我们的地道英语节目。

Feifei: And I'm Feifei. 大家好,我是菲菲。

William: Feifei I'm going to set you up on a date. 菲菲,我帮你安排一场相亲怎么样?

Feifei: What?! Where did that come from? 什么?怎么会说起这个?

William: Listen, I've got the perfect guy for you! 听我说,我认识一个人非常适合你!

Feifei: 我真的不需要你来帮我做媒人找男朋友。

William: Come on Feifei! 拜托啦,菲菲。

Feifei: No! 不行!

William: He's tall, some might say handsome, he has an excellent job, with an amazing car! He even owns his own flat in the City. So he's a bit of a high-flyer. 他很高大,很多人都说他帅气,而且他还有个好工作、一辆好车,甚至在市里还有自己的公寓。他可是个high-flyer哦。

Feifei: High-flyer? Is he on airplanes a lot or something?! 那是什么意思?他在飞机上吗?

William: No that's not what I meant. He's a high-flyer, meaning he's very successful. 不,不是那个意思。He's a high-flyer这句话是说他是个成功人士。

Feifei: A high-flyer 的意思是形容一个人事业非常成功。



A: How's Claire getting on? 克莱尔最近怎么样了?

B: Doing really well. She's turning out to be a real high-flyer. 很不错。她已经成为一个成功人士了。

A: Mark has been very successful. He's already one of the youngest people in a management role in the company. 马克可是个成功人士。他已经是公司管理层里很年轻的了。

B: Mark? Really? I never expected him to be a high-flyer! 马克?真的吗?我真没想到他会是成功人士。


William: High-flyer can also been used as an adjective: high-flying. High-flyer这个词还可以用作形容词:high-flying。

Feifei: High-flyer 这个短语的形容词性是 high-flying. 我们来听例句。



A: There are a lot of high-flying bankers in that part of town. 市里的那个区有很多成功的银行家。

B: A lot of my school friends have become high-flying doctors. 我在学校里的很多朋友已经成为了成功的医生。


William: So Feifei, are you going to go on a date with this high-flying friend of mine? 那么,菲菲,一要不要去跟我这个成功的朋友约会呢?

Feifei: No way. 没门儿。

William: Come on... David will be really disappointed... 拜托,要不然大卫会很失望的。

Feifei: David? You mean, that friend you brought along to the work dinner last week? 大卫?你说的是上周你带来一起参加工作聚餐的那个人?

William: Yes, that's the one. 没错,就是他。

Feifei: Well, you should have said! 你怎么不早点儿说?

William: Great! 太好了!

Feifei: 别忘了登录我们的网站学习更多《地道英语》表达,网址是

重点单词   查看全部解释    
authentic [ɔ:'θentik]


adj. 可信(靠)的,真实的,真正的

disappointed [.disə'pɔintid]


adj. 失望的





