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地道英语学习第51期(附讲解音频):Losing the Plot 疯了

来源:BBC英伦网 编辑:rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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William: Hello and welcome to Real Authentic English from the BBC. I'm William. 大家好,这里是来自BBC的真的原汁原味地道英语节目。我是威廉。

Feifei: Er... Will? You mean, Authentic Real English? 呃……威尔?你是说,地道英语吗?

William: Uh-huh. 嗯哼。

Feifei: You said "Real Authentic English". 你说“真的原汁原味的英语”。

William: Did I?! Gosh. I'd better do it again. Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English from the BCB. I'm William.我说了吗?!天啊,我最好重说一遍。大家好,欢迎来到来自BCB的地道英语节目。我是威廉。

Feifei: Eh!? BCB—what's that? Britain China Broadcasting?! 呃!?BCB是什么?英国的中国电台吗?!

William: What is wrong with me today?! I obviously haven't had my coffee. I'll do it again. Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English from the BBC. I'm Feifei. 我今天是怎么了?!显然是因为我没喝咖啡。我再重说一次。大家好,这里是来自BBC的地道英语节目。我是菲菲。

Feifei: What?! 什么?!

William: Sorry sorry sorry sorry! I'm losing the plot here! 抱歉,实在抱歉,我大概是疯了!

Feifei: Eh? Losing the plot. 忘记了故事情节?什么故事情节?

William: I'm losing the plot. If someone is going crazy we can say that they're losing the plot.

Feifei: 这是一个俚语表达,意思就是某人快要疯了。 那这个表达是不是挺不礼貌的 William?

William: It can be rude, but it depends on how it's used. So let's listen to an example where it is being used in a

slightly rude way. 这是比较无礼的用法,不过这也取决于怎么用。来听下面这个例子,虽然说法有一点无礼。

Man: I can't believe the boss is blaming me for this! I wasn't even working on that project! 我不敢相信老板会为了这件事责备我!我又没有参与过那个项目!

Woman: That's typical of her. She lost the plot years ago, that woman. 这就是她。她在几年前就已经失去理智了,这就是女人。

Feifei: 英语里 losing my mind 这个表达的意思是失去理智, 快要疯了。 这个表达和losing the plot 意思是一样的吗?

William: Yes, I think it does mean the same. We can also say "She's lost her wits" or "She's lost her marbles". 是的,我觉得这个词组也是这个意思。我们还可以用"She's lost her wits" 或者 "She's lost her marbles"来表达。

Feifei: She's lost her marbles?! 她丢了她的玻璃弹子。

William: We can even just say "He's losing it". 甚至我们可以直接说"He's losing it"。

Man: I really, really need a holiday. I think I'm in danger of losing it unless I have a break soon. 我真的是很需要很需要一个假期。我觉得我快要疯了,如果继续工作的话。

Feifei: I'm in danger of losing it. 意思就是如果我再不注意的话, 就要疯了。

William: Yes, but be careful with that phrase 'I'm losing it' or 'She's lost it' because to lose it with someone means to get very angry with them. 是的,小心使用'I'm losing it'或者'She's lost it'这样的表达。因为可能会让人觉得很没有礼貌而让人生气。

Feifei: So he lost it with me 的意思就是他冲我发火儿。英语里有很多意思相近的短语,看起来都大同小异。我觉得哪天我肯定会在一个重要的场合用错一个短语,搞出一个大笑话,毁了我美好光明的前程!你说这一切都是为了什么?!

William: Are you losing the plot, Feifei? 菲菲,你现在疯了了吗?

Feifei: I believe I might be! 我想我是的!

Ever feel you're losing the plot?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
authentic [ɔ:'θentik]


adj. 可信(靠)的,真实的,真正的

typical ['tipikəl]


adj. 典型的,有代表性的,特有的,独特的

rude [ru:d]


adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的
adj. 粗糙

slightly ['slaitli]


adv. 些微地,苗条地

plot [plɔt]


n. 阴谋,情节,图,(小块)土地,
v. 绘

phrase [freiz]


n. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句
vt. 措词






