Research has shown more and more office workers in South Korea are getting tired of end-of-year parties, the Chosun Ilbo reported.
Seven out of 10 respondents are fed up with the practice and would prefer an alternative way of ringing out the working year, according to a poll of 1,035 office workers by recruitment portal Job Korea. Some 21.5% replied they have no choice but to participate, due to pressure from their bosses, while a mere 8.6% said they looked forward to such office parties.
韩国就业门户网站Job Korea对1035名公司职员进行了民意调查,7成的受访者表示受够了年会并希望能以其它的方式来结束辛苦工作的一年。有21.5%的受访职员表示他们本不愿参加年终聚会,但迫于上司压力不得不参加。只有8.6%的职员对办公室年终聚会很期待。