Tomb Sweeping Day: 清明节
Tomb: 坟墓
Sweep: 扫
Sweep the floor: 扫地
The lunar calendar: 阴历
There's no equivalent of Tomb Sweeping Day in America:美国没有类似清明节的节日
There's Memorial Day, but it's for remembering soldiers who passed away serving the country. It's not like Tomb Sweeping Day: 有一个Memorial Day,但它是纪念阵亡将士的;和清明还是不同的
Tomb Sweeping Day is such a great tradition to honor and pay respect to your ancestors: 清明节是一个特别好的传统,来纪念你的前辈、祖先
Die:死 (动词)
Dead: 死了 (形容词)但这两个词都很直接、比较刺耳
Deceased: 过世、逝去
Pass away:过世、逝去
Pass on: 过世、逝去
Pass: 逝去
They're in a better place now: 他们在一个更好的地方
How do you console and comfort people? 怎么安慰伤心的人?
Don't be so upset. They (the person who passed away) wouldn't want you to be so upset: 别太难过了,他(去世的人)也不想看到你这么伤心
My condolences: 节哀顺变 (对逝者家属说的)
I'm very sorry for your loss: 这也是英语里常用的安慰逝者家属的话;这里的sorry不是对不起,而是我为你感到很难过
Some Americans call funeral a celebration of life: 有些美国人把葬礼叫做庆祝逝者的生命
Attendants sometimes tell jokes and share the happy memory of the person who passed: 有些人在葬礼发言时会说些笑话,纪念逝者生前给大家带来的快乐回忆
It's very different from the Chinese culture where funerals need to be very solemn: 这和中国文化很不同,中国的葬礼需要很肃静
Some might see laughter as disrespectful: 很多人会觉得葬礼上笑是很不尊重的行为
Quaker: 贵格会教徒
Burial site: 墓地、埋葬地
Funeral home: 殡仪馆
There are many small family-run funeral homes in America: 美国有很多小型、家庭经营的殡仪馆
Wake: 葬礼后的类似茶话会的仪式
A wake is where family and friends gather after the funeral to console each other: wake通常在葬礼后,逝者的家人和好友聚在一起,互相安慰
Wake is usually held at the funeral home and would have some food and drinks: wake通常也在funeral home举行,会有一些小吃和饮料
Green dumplings: 青团 (好吧,所有的中国点心都叫dumplings)
I'm a fan of green dumplings: 我很喜欢吃青团
Sticky rice: 糯米 (口语的说法)
Glutinous rice: 糯米(正式的说法)
Red bean paste: 豆沙
The most viral green dumpling this year: 今年网红的青团
Green dumpling with meat floss and egg yolk: 蛋黄肉松青团
I love eating qingtuan with peanut butter and a glass of milk : 我喜欢青团上涂花生酱, 再配一大杯牛奶
What a mix of cultures: 中西合璧
Spencer强烈推荐大家试试他的创意青团吃法;Give it a try!