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Chinese New Year 春节

来源:可可英语 编辑:alice   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Oh, railway stations are so crowded these days! Every carriage is packed to the fullest.
  • 现在火车站好拥挤!每节车厢人都满满的。
  • Do people have to go to their parents' home on the Chinese New Year?
  • 中国人过新年必须要回父母家吗?
  • Nearly all people do. Anyway, it's the tradition. Spring Festival is the most important festival for us.
  • 几乎所有人都会回去,习俗就是这样。春节是我们最重要的节日。
  • Any special activities?
  • 有什么特别的活动吗?
  • There are many. Houses are cleaned and decorated with New Year paintings and Spring Festival couplets.
  • 可多了。打扫房屋,挂年画,贴春联。
  • People buy new clothes, visit relatives and small children could get a small sum of money as a gift. A lot of food is prepared for the occasion.
  • 买新衣服,拜访亲友,小孩子会得到压岁钱,还会准备很多好吃的。
  • Are dumplings one of them?
  • 比如饺子?
  • Yes, there are all kinds of fillings, like pork, beef and vegetables.
  • 对,各种馅儿的,像猪肉、牛肉和蔬菜。
  • On New Year's Eve, the whole family would have a big meal together and stay up till midnight. The air is rich with festivity!
  • 除夕夜全家一起吃年夜饭,之后熬夜守岁到午夜。空气里都充满了过节的气氛!
  • I remember the first year I spent here I was totally stunned by all the firecrackers going off. It was hilarious.
  • 我记得我在这里度过的第一年被放鞭炮的声音吓得不轻,真是热闹。
  • I used to love firecrackers when I was a kid, and fireworks.
  • 小时候我可喜欢鞭炮了,还有烟花。


Liang: Oh, railway stations are so crowded these days! Every carriage is packed to the fullest.

Hugh: Do people have to go to their parents' home on the Chinese New Year?
Liang: Nearly all people do. Anyway, it's the tradition. Spring Festival is the most important festival for us.
Hugh: Any special activities?
Liang: There are many. Houses are cleaned and decorated with New Year paintings and Spring Festival couplets. People buy new clothes, visit relatives and small children could get a small sum of money as a gift. A lot of food is prepared for the occasion.
Hugh: Are dumplings one of them?
Liang: Yes, there are all kinds of fillings, like pork, beef and vegetables. On New Year's Eve, the whole family would have a big meal together and stay up till midnight. The air is rich with festivity!
Hugh: I remember the first year I spent here I was totally stunned by all the firecrackers going off. It was hilarious.
Liang: I used to love firecrackers when I was a kid, and fireworks.

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  • 发布评论我来说2句



