Sharon: Hey John, can I talk to you for a minute?
John: Sure, what's up?
Sharon: I wanted to let you know about a book club I joined a couple months ago. I know you do a lot of reading so I thought you might want to come with me next month.
John: Oh, that sounds like fun. When does the group meet?
Sharon: Usually the last Saturday of the month at 9:30 in the evening. Is that too late for you?
莎伦: 通常是一个月的最后一个周六的晚上 9 点半。对你来说晚吗?
John: No, I think that's ok. What do you talk about in the group?
约翰: 不晚,我觉得还行。你们都聊些什么?
Sharon: Well, every month we choose a new book and then during the next meeting we discuss it.
莎伦: 嗯,每个月我们都挑一本新书,然后下一个聚会时就讨论这本书的内容。
John: What book are you reading now?
Sharon: The Kite Runner.
John: I've heard that's a good book. What's it about?
Sharon: It is a good book. I'm almost finished. The book is about a boy who grows up in Afghanistan during the 1980s. It's called the Kite Runner because the main character takes part in a kite flying competition.
莎伦:这本书很好,我差不多要读完啦。这本书的内容是关于在 80 年代,一个在阿富汗长大的男孩和他的经历。因为这个主人翁加入了一个放风筝比赛,所以叫追风筝的人。
John: That sounds really interesting. I'd love to come.
Sharon: Ok, great. The next meeting isn't for another two weeks, so you still have time to read the book.