Nick: Hi everybody, this is Nick. Welcome to teaching series "how do you say this in American English."大家好,我是Nick.
David: Hi, my name is David.
Nick: 上期我们教了大家如何用美语来表达别催我这个词语,友情提示,是叫做don't rush me.那催催催,催急了,那被催的一方很可能就会生气,这种情况,很容易就会做出,"别逼我"的回应.举个例子,你不爱学金融这个专业,但是父母非要逼你学,你就可以说,爸妈,别逼我学金融,我真的不喜欢,我喜欢设计blahbalhbalh,那美语中,别逼我要怎么说呢?
David: What's up, Nick
Nick: What up.
David: What's wrong with you buddy? You don't look good.
Nick: It's ok. Just had an argument with my friend.
David: Why? What happened?
Nick: So I was working on my essay just this afternoon. And he asked me if I wanted go shopping with him. You know essays, right? Once you start to write and have a clear though of the whole structure, you need to finish the whole thing, or the thoughts might just go away. So I said to him, "no I'm going right now". But he kept asking me, like again and again. I was kind of mad and said, "stop pushing me. leave me alone". And we had an argument.
David: Oh, fighting each other is a not a good option. I mean, he pushing you to go to the stores is not good, but he shouldn't have kept asking you if you said you didn't want to go. But you might wanna find another way of solving this problem, like just talk to him.
Nick: Yeah I should've done that although he was pushing me too hard. Anyway, I'm gonna say sorry to him later.
David: Sounds like a good plan.
Nick: Thanks man.
Nick:那我们刚刚就演示了这个场景,就是说我一个朋友想让我去购物,然后我说了不去.但是他一直在烦我.."去啊去啊快点去",我就很烦,我就说,"don't push me.""stop pushing me".就是说不要来逼我,别逼我,我不想去.所以说别逼我是用"don't push me"来表达.So this is pretty much it for today's class. I'll see you next time, bye
David: See you guys
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