A: As an existing banker, that will speed up the process. You said you had the documents with you?
B: That's right. Here you go.
A: Before I verify those, I need you to fill in some forms. Then,as I said, I need to see valid credentials, your occupation and income details....
在我核实这些文件之前,我需要您填写一些表格。然后,像我所说过 的,我需要看看您的有效证件,有关您的职业和收入的详细情况……
B: OK, as I expected. How much will you allow me to borrow? I mean, I don't need a massive sum of money.
好的,和我预想的一样。你们允许我借多少钱?我的意思是,我并不 需要一大笔钱。
A: You are authorized to borrow up to 20,000 RMB, with a repayment period of up to 1 year.
B: That'll be enough, and the repayment period sounds good to me.
A: We can also look at your current credit status and adjust the interest accordingly.
B: How soon before this goes through?
A: If you sort out all of the paperwork today, you could have your loan by the end of the week.
B: Perfect. So, I guess my next job is to go to the newsagent and buy some car magazines. Thanks for everything.
太好了。那么,我猜我的下一个任务就是去报刊亭,买些汽车杂志啦。 感谢你所做的一切。