A: May I help you at all?
B: Yes, please. My son wants to go overseas, to England, to do his Master degree. I wondered if you offer any kind of loan that could assist him in doing so?
A: We certainly do. I can give you some details about a loan called Personal Loan for Studying Abroad. We offer this to anyone who will study outside this country.
B: I see. What does it entail? I'm not sure if we will be eligible.
A: This loan is specially provided for people who are studying overseas to pay for their tuition fee and other sundry items.
B: So, we could use it to pay for my son's living expenses, not just his tuition?
A: That's right. The sundries could include accommodation, text books and so on. The guidelines are not so strict, you see.
正是如此。杂费包括住宿费,教材费等等。您瞧,这些要求不那么 严格。
B: That is good to know. Just think! We've been worrying about this for weeks and just a short visit here and my mind is at ease. Thank you.