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Day 7:Lesson 4 Persistent

来源:可可英语 编辑:ethan   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Lesson 4 Persistent

1.persistent/pɚˈsɪs.tənt/ adj. 坚持的,固执的

2.avoid/əˈvɔɪd/ v. 避开
例句:Why are you avoiding me recently?

3.insist/ɪnˈsɪst/ v. 坚持做
表达:I insist. 我


I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me. It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him. I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes. He never has anything to do. No matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you. I had to think of a way of preventing him from following me around all morning.
'Hello, Nigel,' I said. 'Fancy meeting you here!'
'Hi, Elizabeth,' Nigel answered. 'I was just wondering how to spend the morning -- until I saw you. You're not busy doing anything, are you?'
'No, not at all,' I answered. 'I'm going to...'
'Would you mind my coming with you?' he asked, before I had finished speaking.
'Not at all,' I lied, 'but I'm going to the dentist.'
'Then I'll come with you,' he answered. 'There's always plenty to read in the waiting room!


1.I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me. It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, so I waved to him.

搭配:avoid doing something 避免做某事
例:I try to avoid answer their phone cuz there’s nothing to talk about between us.
例:If you want to break up with me, you gotta tell me that in person. You can’t keep avoiding seeing me.

并列成分:saw me and came running towards me

搭配:It was no use doing something 做某事没有用
例:It’s no use just talking. You need to put it into action.
例:It’s no use crying here. Wipe your tears and do something.

宾语从句:It was no use pretending that I had not seen him

2.I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes. He never has anything to do. No matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you. I had to think of a way of preventing him from following me around all morning.

搭配:enjoy doing sth
扩展: enjoy +名词/oneself

例句:I never enjoy learning dancing, but my parents force me to attend dancing classes.
例句:Enjoy the weekend.
语法点:no matter how + adj +主谓,引导让步状语从句
例句:No matter how busy you are, you should spend some time accompying your parents.
例句:No matter how unhappy I am, I won’t let the negative energy affect my family members.

搭配:come with和…一起
例句:You wanna come along?你要一起来吗?You wanna come with me?
搭配:prevent someone from doing something
例句:Peter’s parents are trying to prevent Peter from getting married. They think it’s too early for him to settle down.

3.'Hello, Nigel,' I said. 'Fancy meeting you here!'
'Hi, Elizabeth,' Nigel answered. 'I was just wondering how to spend the morning -- until I saw you. You're not busy doing anything, are you?'
'No, not at all,' I answered. 'I'm going to...'

'I was just wondering how to spend the morning -- until I saw you.

4.'No, not at all,' I answered. 'I'm going to...'
'Would you mind my coming with you?' he asked, before I had finished speaking.
'Not at all,' I lied, 'but I'm going to the dentist.'
'Then I'll come with you,' he answered. 'There's always plenty to read in the waiting room!

知识点:mind doing something/finish doing something

例句:Do you mind opening the window?
例句:Do you mind if I join you?/Do you mind if I open the window?

What forms of culture shock do people coming to France experience?

I studied abroad in Paris for a semester in college. I'm American. My biggest shocks were:
1. I never ran into any locals that were overweight. When I did see someone who was on the heavier side, they were clearly a tourist.
Run into 偶然遇见

2."Faire la bise," the cheek-to-cheek kisses that the French use as greetings. It was a very unfamiliar way to greet someone, and I often ended up trying to handshake out of habit and would get pulled in for a kiss.
That 引导定语从句

End up doing something

3. No free public restrooms, anywhere. Except for at tourist attractions or in McDonald's.

tourist attraction 旅游景点

4. No free wi-fi, either. Except for McDonald's.

5. Everyone dresses up, even for a trip to the grocery store around the corner. No sweats or Lululemons.

6. If you're a female, prepared to get stared at, kissed at, called at, and grabbed.

7.No Mexican food, anywhere. Chinese, Thai, American, anything else and you're good. But no Mexican. The only Mexican restaurant I found used Cheese Whiz for their nachos.

8.Day drinking is socially acceptable and even encouraged. Walk by any bistro midday and you'll find Parisians sipping on an apértif or glass of rosé.
Bistro /ˈbiː.stroʊ/ n.法国小餐厅
Parisian /pəˈrɪʒ.i.ən/ n.巴黎人

9.There's a LOT of smokers. If you're from CA (I am) this will be a huge difference and you'll notice it everywhere.


10. They are protective of their culture. French are proud of their country, and increasing globalization threatens to dilute it. This is in contrast with Americans, who welcome outside influences openly. Not a bad thing, just different.
重点单词   查看全部解释    
dilute [dai'lju:t]


vt. 冲淡,稀释
adj. 冲淡的,稀释的,

contrast ['kɔntræst,kən'træst]


n. 差别,对比,对照物
v. 对比,成对照<

dentist ['dentist]


n. 牙科医生

acceptable [ək'septəbl]


adj. 合意的,受欢迎的,可接受的

unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

persistent [pə'sistənt]


adj. 固执的,坚持的,连续的

prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止

affect [ə'fekt]


vt. 影响,作用,感动

negative ['negətiv]


adj. 否定的,负的,消极的
n. 底片,负





