1. newsstand 报刊亭;
2. tabloid 娱乐报纸;
3. postcard 明信片;
4. stationery 文具;
5. greeting card 贺卡;
6. ice cream sandwich 冰淇淋三明治;
7. soft-serve 软冰淇淋;
8. ice cream 冰淇淋;
拓展:Matcha 抹茶
9. scoop 球;匙
10. paperback 平装书;

11. cone 锥形蛋卷筒;
12. cup 杯;
13. ice cream bar 雪糕;
14. relish 佐料;
15. mustard 芥末;
拓展:Mayonnaise 蛋黄酱
16. hot dog cart 热狗餐车;
17. ketchup 番茄酱;
18. hot dog 热狗;
19. corn dog 美式炸热狗;
20. pretzel 椒盐卷饼;
1. Keep the change. 零钱不用找了。
2. What do you want on it? 你要加什么配料?
3. Can I get the mustard on the side? 可以给我在旁边加上芥末吗?
4. What flavor do you want? 你要什么口味的?
5. What size would you like? 你要多大份量的?
6. Do you have any dipped cones? 你们卖脆皮甜筒吗?
7. Do you have the latest issue of that tabloid? 你们有最新一期的娱乐报纸吗?
8. The postcards are buy two, get one free. 明信片买二送一。
Wendy: I'd like one hot dog, please.请给我一份热狗。
Vendor: What do you want on it? 你要加什么配料?
Wendy: Just mustard and sauerkraut. 只要芥末和德国泡菜就行。
Vendor: If you buy the value meal, you get chips and a drink, too. 如果你点超值餐,还赠薯片和一杯饮料。
Wendy: No, thanks. I'll just take the hot dog. 不,谢了。我只要热狗就行。

Vendor: What can I get you? 你想吃点什么?
Charlie: I'd like a scoop of vanilla ice cream. 我要一个香草冰淇淋雪球。
Vendor: Do you want that in a cup or on a cone? 你要装在杯子里还是蛋卷里?
Charlie: In a cup, please. Can I get an extra napkin, too? 请装在杯子里,我可以多拿一张纸巾吗?
In China and all over Asia I enjoy eating street food
Street food is often fast, convenient and cheap
Especially at night when there are only a few shops open
Here are some common street food dishes I enjoy
1. Xiao long bao 小笼包;
2. Egg fried rice 蛋炒饭;
3. Sesame noodles 芝麻酱拌面;
4. Kebabs/eat on sticks 串儿;
5. Popcorn chicken 鸡米花;
6. Pearl milk tea 珍珠奶茶;
For this you can say no sugar or half sugar
7. Cold noodles 冷面;
In other parts of Asia street food vendors also sell sandwiches, milkshakes, and iced coffee.