1.windbreaker 风衣
2.polo shirt 马球衫
3.skateboard 滑板
4.backpack 背包
5.tennis racket 网球拍
6.badminton racket 羽毛球拍
7.Jump rope 跳绳
8.athletic bag 运动包
9.helmet 头盔
10.headband 头带
11.water bottle 水壶
12.hula hoop 呼拉圈
13.basketball shirt 篮球衣
14.dumbbell 哑铃
15.baseball cap 棒球帽
16.elbow pad 护肘
17.basketball shorts 篮球短裤
18.knee pad 护膝
19.rollerblades 旱冰鞋
20.yoga mat 瑜伽垫

1. How may I help you? 我可以为您效劳吗?
2 Do you have this in a bigger size? 这个有再大一号的吗?
3. What size do you wear? 请问您穿多大尺寸?
4. Can you show me how to use this/put this on? 你可以跟我示范怎么使用/穿上这个吗?
5. I'd like to exchange this for a different color. 我想把这个换成另一个颜色的。
6. Are these basketball jerseys/shirts breathable? 这些篮球衫/衣透气吗?
7. The yoga mat comes with an instructional video.买这张瑜伽垫附赠教学录像带。
8. We don't accept returns on sale items.商品售出,我们概不接受退货。
9. Can you order it for me? 你可以帮我订货吗?
Justin:Hi.I want to get these rollerblades. 你好。我想要买双旱冰鞋。
Sales Clerk: Have you ever tried rollerblading before? 你以前滑过早冰吗?
Justin: No it's my first time. I hear its great exercise. 没有,这是我第一次滑。我听说这是个很好的运动。
Sales Clerk:I recommend you get some knee pads and a helmet. 那么我建议你买护膝和头盔。
Justin: Oh, OK. I guess you can never be too careful. 哦,好啊。我想再怎么小心也不为过。
Rachel:Here are the basketball shirts.They even have your favorite team. 这些是篮球衣。甚至有你最喜欢的球队的队服
Ben: Cool! This one has lverson's name on it.I'll take it! 太酷了!这件上面有艾弗森的名字。我要买这件!
Richel:I think you need a smaller size.Here,try this one on. 我想你需要再小一号的。来!试穿这件看。
Ben: Well, I want one I can grow into.I won't be this short forever! 嗯,我想买一件长高后也可以穿的。我总不会一直这么矮吧!
In today's extra section we will be talking about some different sports and the equipment you need to play them, as well as some materials clothes and equipment are made of.
We have talked about polo, skateboarding, badminton and basketball, what about some more extreme sports?
Some examples of extreme sports are
Bungee jumping 蹦极跳
You do this from high places
For bungee jumping you require a bungee rope
Skydiving 跳伞
You do this from a plane in the sky
You need a parachute to go skydiving
Snowboarding 单板滑雪
You normally do this on a mountain
If you want to go snowboarding you should bring a snowboard
Water-skiing 滑水
You do this on water and are pulled by a motorboat
So you will need a motorboat and water skis
Scuba diving 水肺潜水
You do this sport deep under water
You need scuba gear(潜水设备) to go scuba diving.