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第10天 Accessories

来源:可可英语 编辑:ethan   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


1. Tote 大手提袋;购物袋
2. choker 颈链/圈
3. messenger bag 邮差包;斜包
4. wrist watch 手表
5. necklace 项链
6. scarf 围巾
7. brooch 胸针
8. makeup bag 化妆包
9. bag charm 手链挂饰
10. card case 名片夹

11. sunglasses 太阳镜
12. coin purse 零钱包
13. bangle 手镯
14. hairpin 发卡
15. anklet 脚链
16. bracelet 手链
17. hoop earring 环式耳环
18. wallet 钱包
19. Hair band 发带
20. key chain 钥匙链


1. May I see the bracelet in the window? 我可以看一下橱窗里的手链吗?
2. Can you show me the brooch in the display case? 你可以把展示柜里的胸针给我看看吗?
3. Are you looking for something specific? 你在找哪种特定的款式吗?
4. Do you have earrings to match this necklace? 你们有搭配这条项链的耳环吗?
5. What size is the ring? 这枚戒指尺寸是多少?
6. Are there any other designs? 有别的样式吗?
7. This wrap would look great with your red dress.这条披肩会和你的红色连衣裙很相称。
8. We only have the display model left,but we can give you a discount on it.我们只剩模特儿身上的那个了,但是我们可以给你折扣。
9. What should I use to clean this bag? 我该用什么来清洁这个包呢?
10. The clasp on the bracelet is broken.手链的钩环坏了。
11. I’m allergic to gold./ I can't wear gold.我对金子过敏/我不能戴金饰品


Anthony:Is that another new bag? 那是“另一个”新皮包吗?

Lenora:Yes.Isn't it great? It has lots of little pockets inside是啊。很棒吧?里头有很多小内袋呢。

Anthony:Don't you already have a lot of purses? 你不是已经有很多手提包了吗?

Lenora: This one is smaller, so I'll only use it when I go out at night. 这个比较小,我只在晚上外出时才会用。


Molly: Would you look at all of these cute bangles?你要看看这些漂亮的手镯吗?

Jane:They're OK, but I don't like wearing things on my wrist. 还可以,但我不喜欢在手腕上戴东西。

Molly: Well, I bet this will look great on you! 哦,我敢说你戴这个一定很好看!

Jane:A hat? No thanks! It makes my head look big.帽子?不,谢了!帽子会让我的头显得很大。

Molly: Then try a headband. It will keep the hair out of your eyes. 那么试试束发带吧,它能防止头发遮住你的眼睛。


Today’s lesson has looked at a lot of the accessories women wear, what about men?
Now we will have a look at some accessories men wear, as well as some modern accessories you can find today.

Many men wear a wristwatch(手表), for example I have a xiaomi watch,
However my xiaomi watch is not a normal watch, its a smart watch.
It can tell me the time, how many steps I have taken today, and how far I have walked.

Other accessories men wear include tie pins(领带夹) and cufflinks(袖口).
These are normally worn with a suit.

Some men wear earings(耳环), either in one ear or both.
These days apart from smart phones you can also find accessories that come with phones.
For example most of us have used earphones(耳机)to listen to music before.

Many people also carry a portable charger(充电宝).
This is used to charge(充电) your phone when you have no battery(电池)especially when you’re not at home.
You can say no battery or low on battery.

Right! I hope you have enjoyed today’s class, that’s all for today! See you next time!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
specific [spi'sifik]


adj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的
n. 特

charm [tʃɑ:m]


n. 魅力,迷人,吸引力,美貌
v. (使)陶

discount ['diskaunt]


n. 折扣,贴现率
vt. 打折扣,贴现,不重

messenger ['mesindʒə]


n. 报信者,先驱

allergic [ə'lə:dʒik]


adj. 过敏的,反感的

scarf [skɑ:f]


n. 围巾

display [di'splei]


n. 显示,陈列,炫耀
vt. 显示,表现,夸

bracelet ['breislit]


n. 手镯

clasp [klɑ:sp]


n. 扣子,钩,紧握
v. 扣紧,紧握,密切合

band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队


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